Republican Party Platform 1930

Adopted at the Maine State Republican Convention BANGOR, MARCH 27, 1930 NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION We, the Republicans of Maine, in convention assembled, unreservedly commend the administration of President Hoover. The public confidence in Herbert Hoover, so overwhelmingly expressed at the last national election, has been fully justified during the first year of his service as President.…

Republican Party Platform 1972

CITIZENS RIGHT’S Full-time district prosecutors appointed by the Attorney General. Creation of a State Crime Laboratory. Mandatory training of full-time deputy sheriffs. A complete review and updating of State Election Laws. A 3 months residency requirement for voter registration enrollment. Elimination of the “Big Box” and adoption of the office type ballot. State employee participation…

Republican Party Platform 1984

REPORT OF THE 1984 MAINE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM COMMITTEE PREAMBLE The Maine Republican Party enthusiastically endorses the policies and achievements of President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush, and we support their reelection. We especially appreciate their efforts in revitalizing the American economy and reducing the growth of government spending and taxing. We congratulate ourselves…