Maple Sugar

Maple Trees Tapped for Maple Syrup on Route 6 in Carroll Plantation (2014)

Maine has a significant portion of the maple sugaring and maple syrup industry with 14% percent of the U.S. production in 2014.  Vermont produced 40%, and New York, 18%. Big Six Township, in northern Somerset County, is said to account for roughly 23% of Maine’s maple sugar production and 4% of the U.S. total production.…


Sawyer Road with Horse Farms (2013)

With the Androscoggin River as its west boundary, the town’s east lies substantially along Sabattus Pond. The more densely populated area surrounds Route 202 near Greene Village. South from there is a rural landscape and views of Sabattus Pond. Inventor Leonard Norcross lived here in the early 19th century as a young boy. Since 1970 the increasingly suburban community in the Lewiston-Auburn area has more than doubled its population.


Pennamaquan Lake in Charlotte (2004)

in Washington County, incorporated in 1825. Its Pennamaquan Wildlife Management Area, a 1,500-plus acre site, offers opportunities for boating, canoeing, hunting, fishing, and viewing of eagles, deer and waterfowl. The first settlement was established about 1807-1810.

Carroll Plantation

Maple Trees Tapped with Tubing for Maple Syrup on Route 6 in Carroll Plantation (2014)

incorporated in 1845, lies on the old stage line (Maine Route 6) from Lincoln, through Lee, Springfield to Princeton. Named for Daniel Carroll, member of the Continental Congress and signer of the Articles of Confederation and of the Constitution, it is home to an extensive maple sugar harvesting operation. See photos.