* Report of the 1986 Maine *

Republican Platform Committee


The Republican Party of the State of Maine, with great pride in its State and in its Party’s leaders, and with confidence in its principles offers for public consideration the following Platform. This Platform reflects the concerns and issues discussed and debated at the State Convention, numerous caucuses and county hearings, and incorporates suggestions received from individual Maine citizens.

While reflecting the concerns of Maine’s citizenry, this Platform is founded on traditional Republican values: freedom tempered by responsibility for one’s liberty; free enterprise guided by conscience and concern; government restrained in its involvement, while assuring equal opportunity and justice for all; a strong family unit in which morality, work ethics, love and compassion can be taught and nurtured.

We are confident that these values are best perpetuated and the common good best protected by our representative form of government where all citizens participate in charting the future of our beloved State and Country.


The Maine Republican Party believes that the prime responsibility of the United States Government is to keep America strong, free and at peace. At the same time, we urge our government to explore new avenues for peace and international understanding without sacrificing our vital national interests. We live in an age where nuclear weapons pose a threat to the existence of our planet, and we urge a continuation of the strategic arms negotiations. While we support the continued research and development of the Strategic Defense Initiative, we applaud the steps taken by Maine’s Republican Congressional Delegation to relax the tensions between the super powers and reduce the nuclear arsenals of both the United States and the Soviet Union . We support the maintenance of a strong conventional land, air and sea defense capability. We commend the efforts of our Maine Republican Congressional Delegation to compel a cost-effective control over defense expenditures. The Maine Republican Party affirms its strong commitment to a mutual, balanced and verifiable reduction in nuclear weapons, consistent with the philosophy enunciated in the ‘mutual guaranteed build down” proposal. We strongly oppose the expansion of Communism in the Americas and support the right of ill people to a free and democratic government. The Maine Republican Party is opposed to the State of Maine ’s interference in the federal role of the Maine National Guard.



1. The Maine Republican Party commends the leadership of President Ronald Reagan for bringing about a national economic recovery, including lower inflation, interest rates and an increasing job market.

2. We support a federal balanced budget by constitutional amendment to control the rising federal deficit which threatens our nation’s economic future.


1. The Maine Republican Party supports fair and equitable tax policies at the federal, state and local levels of government, which we believe are necessary to restore a healthy tax climate for economic growth and job development.

2. We encourage further study of the federal flat tax concept as an alternative to the income tax system.

3. We encourage the study of the concept of tuition tax credits.

4. We support elimination of property tax inequities and oppose further overburdening of the local property tax base.

5. We call upon the State Legislature and Governor to bring Maine’s state income tax into full conformity with the federal income tax for all Maine individual and business taxpayers.

6. We support a reduction of the state’s bonded debt by limiting annual authorization of new bonds to 90% of those retired, in order to regain the AAA rating for state bonds.

7. We support the repeal of the state unitary tax which discourages business and job development in Maine .

8. We support the protection of the Maine taxpayer from inflation by the indexing of the state and federal income tax.

9. We support reduction of excessive state and federal spending.

10. We believe the forests of Maine are a great natural resource and an asset of all the people. It is the duty of all the people to preserve and protect that resource and to assume the responsibility to protect it from damage and destruction from fire on a basis that is comparable to the manner in which other resources of the state are protected. Therefore, we encourage the Legislature to repeal the Forestry Excise Tax law and enact legislation for the purpose of financing forest fire protection from the General Fund of the State of Maine .


The Maine Republican Party recommends that the State of Maine restructure its program in attracting and retaining both small and large business and industry.

The restructuring of the economy throughout this country demands that economic development efforts must include more comprehensive data in order to entice new industrial projects and encourage expansion. This restructuring will necessitate continued cooperation and improved relationships between the public and private sectors. While Maine restructures its program for attracting industry, greater attention should be paid to the differences of rural and urban areas in an effort to diminish the regional economic disparity problem.


1. The Maine Republican Party supports an aggressive promotion of Maine industries and products, and recommends a greater use of the Maine Identification Label (Logo). The use of the Maine Logo should be combined with a concerted effort to instill in Maine citizens and others a desire to buy Maine products.

2. We believe in the development of new industrial and commercial opportunities as well as in the invigoration of existing enterprises. We encourage local communities to

assist in addressing the task of creating an improved economic and legislative climate, a climate more encouraging to capital investment.

3. We support a more vigorous promotion of Tourism in the State of Maine by the private sector, with increased state financial support

4. We further believe that the State of Maine should exercise greater coordination with “Native Business Enterprises’’ thereby helping a worthy organization in its efforts to preserve native industry and jobs.

5. The Maine Republican Party supports well planned statewide economic development policy, which includes the establishment of “Opportunity Zones” in areas of the state with high unemployment and low per capita income.


1. The Maine Republican Party believes a balanced public and commercial transportation system of roads, rail, air and sea, with emphasis on rural and collector roads, is vital to the economic growth and stability of the State of Maine .

2. We support the development of Maine ’s water and airport facilities and the restoration of our highway and railroad infrastructure, including the deep-port facilities

at Eastport, Searsport and Portland . We support the continued development of Canada-to-Canada transportation across Maine and mass transportation between Maine and Boston .

3. We support the continuation of the dedicated user fund of highway funding for maintenance and construction.


1. The Maine Republican Party salutes the outstanding work ethic and high productivity of the Maine worker.

2. We endorse the concept of equal pay for equal work and we reject discrimination in any kind in the work-place.

3. We support further reform of the Workers Compensation System to reduce the high cost to employers, and further recommend the resolution of the high cost of the system by a panel of employers and employees, those directly involved. We support the stepped-up promotion of safety in the work-place.

4. We support the Federal Job Training Partnership Act, and we encourage the retraining of Maine workers for newly developing employment opportunities through Maine ’s VTI and other appropriate channels.

5. We support a review of the Collective Bargaining System of the State of Maine .

6. We support job classification of Maine state contract bids, utilizing the wage rate structure of the local community in which the work is taking place.

7. We oppose the creation of a state-subsidized Workers- Compensation insurance Program.

8. We support a cap being placed on the Unemployment Fund so that the Displaced Workers Training Fund will not dangerously drain the Unemployment Fund.



1. The Maine Republican Party opposes the use of any Maine land by the Federal Government as a high level radioactive waste site. The proposed Department of Energy’s plan is unsound geologically and constitutes a clear and present danger to the future of our State.

2. We recognize the immediate need for existing nuclear powered energy, but we remain concerned about the safety and economic aspects of nuclear power. While we recognize the significance of the Maine Yankee Power Plant to the State of Maine , emphasis should be placed on the development of economically competitive energy sources for the future.

3. We support reasonable efforts and programs to promote the conservation of energy in our state and nation.

4. We support continued research and development of alternative renewable energy sources, subject to environmental and economic considerations, to reduce our -dependence on imported oil.

5. We support a shared responsibility by the private and public sectors to plan for sufficient power generation to meet Maine ’s energy needs.


1. The Maine Republican Party supports the preservation of our prime farm land, forest land and natural resources through property tax valuation based on actual current use.

2. We support a cautious and safe use of federal and state approved chemicals for agricultural and forest lands, and we encourage the development of practical alternatives.

3. We support an energetic and sensible approach to eliminating pollution of our land, water and air, with special attention to the problem of acid rain.

4. We call upon the Department of Environmental Protection to meet its statutory responsibilities in a fair and timely fashion.

5. We endorse the immediate implementation of limitations on biomass cutting of our forest lands.

6. We support adequate funding for the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the Department of Forestry and various bureaus, and we recommend the Departments be reimbursed from the General Fund for nonrelated activities, such as search and rescue, drug seizures and enforcement of environmental laws.

7. We support the protection of our wildlife and livestock through the control of predators and the further development of wildlife preserves.

8. We strongly support sound environmental goals and programs that will protect our resources for future generations. We also embrace managed development that can support growth in the private sector of our economy. We recognize that balanced growth and new jobs are essential to combat poverty in this state.

9. We recommend that a state cleanup fund be created for cleanup of hazardous waste sites. We suggest that monies for this fund be derived from fees assessed on hazardous waste depositors.

10. We oppose the erosion of private property rights through expanded public access to historically private property. We recognize, however, the need for greater public access to our beaches and water front and encourage the state to obtain greater access by purchase.



1. The Maine Republican Party believes our children represent the future of our State and our nation. Education should be a joint effort involving family, school, community and state to develop the full potential of each individual.

2. We support local initiative and local control of our school systems and districts, and oppose efforts of the state to erode this power.

3. We support increased emphasis on reading, writing, math, science and language and education in basic Western traditions, including self-government, citizenship and free-enterprise economics. The practice which has permitted illiterate students to be promoted and graduated must he stopped. Given the high correlation between illiteracy and crime and chronic unemployment, we must develop strong standards for students and teachers.

4. We believe that the state should fund any requirement placed on local school systems by regulation or legislation, rather than shift funding to the local property tax. We oppose the forced local funding of state mandated programs.

5. We believe that an indispensable foundation for cultural, social and economic progress is a strong, first quality university system. To that end we endorse the initial steps taken by the 112th Legislature to increase the state’s financial commitment to the state university system consistent with the January, 1986 recommendations of the visiting committee. We encourage the trustees and the administration to re-examine the entire curriculum offered by the system and improve the utilization of faculty, facilities, an-id other resources.

6. We believe the family, community and state must recognize the importance and professionalism of Maine ’s teachers by:

a. Upgrading the training of teachers through our university system;

b. Upgrading the certification and recertification requirements of teachers and administrators; and

c. Upgrading the salary levels to attract talented young people to the teacher profession and to retain our best, experienced teachers in the classroom.

7. We encourage the study of dropouts and truancy undertaken by the 112th Legislature.


1. The Maine Republican Party believes that those who are unable to provide for themselves should be assisted by private, community and government resources in an effort toward helping themselves become self-supporting, productive citizens with dignity and pride.

2. We urge the coordination of state and local efforts in providing welfare benefits and the elimination of costly duplication.

3. We support workfare programs for welfare recipients whenever possible.


1. The Maine Republican Party supports an on-going educational and informational program about the abuses and dangers of alcohol and drugs. We recognize the need for a strong preventive educational plan, including the education of women as to the dangers of fetal alcohol syndrome which is one of the three major causes of birth defects and mental retardation.

2. We support a catastrophic illness protection program through the private health insurance system.

3. We support a comprehensive and objective study to determine alternative methods for providing optional health care insurance plans for all citizens of Maine and at prices affordable to the consuming public.

4. We recognize the importance of controlling the rise in health care costs, in all sectors of the health care system, and support an independent and comprehensive study of the Maine Health Care Finance Commission to determine its effectiveness and, if necessary, to recommend changes in the Commission in order that all sectors of the health care delivery system can be and are responsible and competitive.


1. The Maine Republican Party supports home health care programs and other forms of assistance to enable our elderly citizens to remain in their homes.

2. We urge the development and maintenance of urban and rural public and/or private transportation for the elderly as we continue to develop programs allowing them to maintain their homes.

3. We believe it is the duty of the state through local government to defend those elderly citizens living on fixed incomes against increasing taxation and costs of living.


1. The Maine Republican Party reaffirms its belief in the family as a unit and strongly supports the tradition that parents assume full responsibility for the care and protection of their children.

2. We support stronger penalties for persons convicted of child abuse.

3. We support educational programs in all schools regarding nutrition, child abuse, and drug and alcohol abuse.

4. We support the improvement of services to children and feel special effort should be given the programs which provide for their safety when in the care of others and which provide child care assistance and decent, safe and sanitary housing.

5. We favor emergency services to temporarily assist and support children who have run away from their families, have been forced out of their homes or have experienced pregnancies.

6. We support President Reagan’s expanded tax credits for child day care expenses.


1 The Maine Republican Party supports the streamlining and simplification of needless and expensive government regulation.

2. We encourage the review of all those factors which have caused the crisis of the ever increasing insurance premium.

3. We oppose the excessive regulation of business.

4. We believe that before a motor vehicle is registered the owner should either have adequate insurance or proof of financial responsibility.

5. We support pre-election registration.


1. The Maine Republican Party supports the Reagan Administration’s attempt to restore decision-making authority to state and local governments, including the block grant revenue sharing program.

2. We believe public assistance programs should he administered by local government, as much as possible, rather than by state bureaucracies or special district agencies.

3. We support reform of the General Assistance Law.


1. The Maine Republican Party believes that a well-trained law enforcement establishment and an independent competent judiciary is necessary for an orderly society and promotion of justice. We support the effort of the Criminal Justice Academy in training reserve law enforcement officers through the State Department of Education, Adult Education Program.

2. We support bail reform to deny pre-trial release to criminal defendants who are likely to commit other major crimes awaiting trial.

3. We encourage the funding of adequate correctional facilities to eliminate the possibility of reduced criminal sentences solely because of inadequate space.

4. We support the rights of victims of crime and recommend that restitution be paid by the offender whenever possible.

5. We support increased funding for investigation and prosecution of drug trafficking.

6. We support the vigorous enforcement of OUI driving laws and would include other drugs that would inhibit the safe driving of a motor vehicle. We support the reasonable use of road blocks. We support the reinstitution of public drunkenness laws.

7. We support an increase in half-way house rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders.

8. We support an increase in the number of trial judges to guarantee speedy justice in civil and criminal cases.

9. We call for the establishment of a non-partisan nominating commission for the purposes of recommending qualified judicial nominees for gubernatorial appointment.

10. We discourage the wide spread practice of suspension of sentences especially in cases of repeat offenders.

11. We believe that county government should not have to pay for excessive prisoner care, nor should the county government be held solely responsible for excessive medical costs related to prisoner treatment.


1. The Maine Republicans Party rejects discrimination at-id reverse discrimination based on race, sex, ape, creed, handicap, religious beliefs or ethnic or national origin.

2. We oppose legislation or bureaucratic regulation of guns and reaffirm our belief in the constitutional right of the people to keep and bear arms. We applaud our Congressional Delegation for the help given our sportsmen by their support of the McClure-Volkmer Bill.


1. The Maine Republican Party continues its strong support for the Veterans Administration Center at Togus and recommends additional beds, increased outreach activity and upgrading the medical services and health treatment for all veterans.

2. We support improvement and expansion of the Maine Veterans Home and the Maine Veterans Cemetery , and we recommend the establishment of a Maine Veterans Home and a Maine Veterans Cemetery in the northern sector of Maine .

3. We continue our support for the Vietnam Veteran Centers in Bangor and Portland .

4. We support the national priority placed on the POW-MIA accountability effort. We believe the Governor and the State Legislature should insure support for the local and state-wide efforts to bring a successful end to the POW-MIA accountability question.

5. We support rural health clinics under the Veterans Administration for the veterans of rural Maine .

6. We support the creation of jobs and educational benefits for all veterans in the Pine Tree State .

7. We support the upgrade of care for the aging veteran population in Maine and a stepped-up activity in the care and treatment of female veterans.

8. We support increased emphasis on the special role of veterans in the nation.

Source: Copy of the printed platform at the Maine State Law Library.

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