Adopted at the Biennial State Convention held in Augusta , April 30, May 1, 1976.


In this the 200th anniversary of our nation and the Declaration of Independence as we celebrate our bicentennial, we salute the Constitution of the United States as the best political charter yet created for self-government. It is our belief that the Constitution is designed to guarantee the free exercise of the inherent rights of the individual through strictly limiting the power of government. We reaffirm our belief in the Declaration of Independence, and in particular the belief that our inherent rights are endowed by the Creator.

The Republican Party of Maine firmly believes that all government decision-making should be guided by high moral standards. Government policies should be judged upon their consistency with these standards. We condemn the permissive attitudes permeating our society which condone law-breaking, evasion of responsibility, unnecessary dependency on taxpayer support, pornography, immoral conduct, and drug abuse. We reaffirm the need for respect for the Constitution and laws, respect for country and government, respect for our fellow human beings, their lives, and their possessions, and respect for self.


Grants of power from the people to their government should be so limited and carefully prescribed as to assure that such power will be exercised in behalf of those from whom it is derived, rather than to serve those in whom it is concentrated. The vast power of bureaucracy should be substantially reduced, with control over public policy and government spending returned to elected officials at the local level. Local self-government encourages the existence of an independent, self-determining citizenry whose diverse control over their own affairs is itself a check on the arbitrary power of distant bureaucrats.


All levels of government should be required to keep expenditures within their income. The federal government’s failure to maintain a balanced budget is a major cause of inflation. The principal victims of government overspending are the working men and women of America whose income is reduced in value and whose jobs are threatened by the inflation and unemployment which results from a public sector grown too large.


The Republican Party of Maine pledges to support the free enterprise system without unnecessary government controls and without government competition. Profitable business and labor forces need not be necessarily in an adversary relationship. We believe that capitalism is the only economic system of our time that is compatible with political liberty. It has not only brought a higher standard of living to a greater number of people than any other economic system in the history of mankind; more importantly, it has also been a decisive instrument in preserving freedom through maintaining private control of economic power and thus limiting the power of government.


Taxes are necessary to pay for the expenses of government but the manner in which we continue to support local, state and national government must depend upon the burden of taxation as it affects the free enterprise system and personal initiative. Taxes must be controlled, reduced if possible, to remove the threat of stifling our free society; therefore, we oppose state wide property tax assessment as it constitutes confiscation of local wealth and local control in order to meet state needs.


The Republican Party of Maine holds the belief that Americans are over-regulated and therefore supports de-regulation where federal and state government control has become excessive.


The Republican Party of Maine believes that the American Government should pursue a strong, credible foreign policy and military preparedness to prevent the confrontations that lead to war. At the same time we believe that we should explore new avenues for peace and international understanding without sacrificing vital national interests. Therefore the defense policy of the United States should be based on a goal of strategic and tactical supremacy and every effort should be made to strengthen our defensive arsenal. We reject appeasement of Communist regimes and other aggressors. The United States should also reassess its level of support of the United Nations in light of its lack of performance of its chartered functions as an alliance against aggression. Let this country ever negotiate from strength, never from weakness.


The Republican Party of the State of believes that the growing dependence on welfare constitutes a major threat to the continued well-being of our society. Welfare should be based on the following criteria: Welfare should be administered to those who through “no fault of their own” cannot support themselves; responsibility for self and family should be required and “relative responsibility laws” should be enforced; and welfare for those physically able should be considered temporary with all welfare resources and policies directed towards enabling and requiring self-support.


The Republican Party of Maine reaffirms its support for individual rights such as those protected by the Bill of Rights in the and Maine Constitutions. We believe that invidious discrimination cannot be sanctioned by law or government policy, including efforts at “reverse discrimination.” The courts and legal profession should constantly maintain a balance between protecting the general public and safeguarding the rights off the accused.


The Maine Republican Party supports the development of energy alternatives to diminishing petroleum supplies, such as wood, solar, wind, tidal power and water power, coal conversion, nuclear energy and the production of synthetic fuels from domestic, nonpetroleum resources. We believe this should be done by private capital as much as practical and as rapidly as possible.


The Republican Party takes a strong stand in support of environmental controls consistent with the development and orderly expansion of the economy.


Basic control of schools should be returned to the local level. Republicans believe in the importance of a high quality of education for all Americans. The educational system should retain as its primary goal the teaching of basic skills and providing appropriate learning opportunities for children, young adults, and adults with varying interests and abilities. The schools are not the place for social experiments. The important role of non-public school systems in American education is also recognized. We believe that basic equality of opportunity should be provided, but doubt that this is guaranteed by equality of expenditures.


We believe that all people should be fully informed about our free enterprise economy and the values and functioning of the two party system and the means by which they may effectively influence it. We further believe that the political parties themselves have important duties to perform in increasing public awareness, in development and presentation of alternatives, and in encouraging public participation. We also believe that our elected representatives in all levels of government must be responsive to the will and needs of the people.


Maine Republicans here rededicate themselves to the principles of Abraham Lincoln, which principles could be summed up in the following quotation from the father of our Party: “You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.



1. The Republican Party categorically rejects discrimination or reverse discrimination based on sex, age ethnic or national origin, creed, or color.

2. WHEREAS, it is the belief of this Convention that the Second Amendment in our federal Bill of Rights and Section 16 of the First Article in our Maine Constitution describes a guarantee to citizens as individuals, and

WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Convention that efforts to ab­ridge this Right are without merit and are seemingly in­tended to cause greater hardship to law abiding citizens and sportsmen than to criminals, and

WHEREAS, it is the contention of this Convention that the Right Keep and Bear Arms is as important to our Liberties as Freedom of Speech or the Freedom of Religion, and that when one of these Rights is infringed a precedent has been established by which the others may also become subject to infringement, and

WHEREAS, it is the petition of this Convention (directed humbly to the President and some other Republicans) that certain Republicans should cease efforts to impose “gun control” and adhere to reason and to faith in the Constitution, then


Bills similar or analogous to H.R.11193 ought to be defeated and if passed in Congress vetoed subsequently

Instead consideration be given to federal legislation designed to accomplish the following aim: escalating mandatory sentences for federal crimes committed with weapons by repeat offenders (for example 1 year for a 2nd offense, 3 years for a 3rd offense, 9 years for a 4th, and 27 years for a 5th etc.), such sentences to be served in addition to the sentence for the nature of the crime

Such exceptions to the laws and rules of prosecution and senten­cing so that individual rights to self-defense, security of prop­erty, and justice cannot be prejudiced by concerted government action

It is the sense of this convention that it is the responsibility of the several States to properly regulate the methods necessary to preserve the public order and the protection of property

And MOREOVER, DUE TO THE IMMEDIATE PUBLIC IMPORT, the Chairman of the Maine Republican Party is instructed to forward copies of this document to Convention Officials of the Republican Party in those States where conventions are yet to convene, and to for­ward copies of this document to the members of the Republican State Committees in all fifty States; and Furthermore the Maine Republican Delegation to the Republican National Convention next meeting is hereby instructed to introduce this document to that body for adoption.

3. We believe in the individual’s right to privacy from unnecessary interference from Federal, State, and local governments. We believe that the guarantee of individual right to privacy included in the U. S. Constitution and the Maine Constitution is being violated and should stop. #



  1. We affirm our support of the Maine Department of Agriculture and encourage expansion of its efforts to bring about more intensive agricultural production, including not only commodities presently produced and marketed, but also new varieties of these products and potential new products; to improve the promotion and marketing of all Maine farm commodities with particular attention to providing the consumer high quality food in adequate supply, and expanding market outlets and increasing income for Maine farmers; and to more fully utilize and conserve our farmland resources, particularly our soil, water and timber, and to initiate policies and procedures to encourage the preservation of irreplaceable, prime agricultural land.
  2. We support the role of the Maine Milk Commission in regulating a realistic milk price geared to protect the consumer, producer, and dealer on an equitable basis, thereby ensuring an adequate supply of pure and wholesome milk.
  3. We advocate a safe and effective spruce budworm control program which will ensure continued harvesting of a valuable resource.


  1. We support continuation and expansion of aquaculture projects compatible with existing fisheries to encourage growth of marine resources harvesting.
  2. Maine should pioneer in expansion of research and promotion of marine resources.
  3. We endorse the adoption of the 200-mile limit but urge that regulations be appropriate for conditions. We support the fishermen’s efforts to regulate themselves; if further regulation is required, state rules are preferable to federal.
  4. The Republican Party supports Maine lobstermen in their battle with the Internal Revenue Service over the “sternmen” status as independent contractors.
  5. We encourage increased development in the widening of fishery markets on a worldwide basis.


  1. The Republican Party supports reinstatement of the “Town Road Improvement Fund” on a “per mile” basis.
  2. We support adjustment of registration fees for seasonal truckers.
  3. State regulation of transportation by the Public Utilities Commission should be evaluated for its effects on the costs of transpor­tation.
  4. We support maintaining the integrity of dedicated highway funds.
  5. We believe that serious consideration should be given to improving the highway system in northern Maine. #


  1. We encourage the development of energy resources by private means.
  2. The Republican Party supports recycling of solid wastes and strongly encourages strict enforcement of the litter laws. We call for citizen participation in anti-litter campaigns.
  3. The voluntary support of private industry is solicited and encouraged in efforts to preserve and to protect the quality of the environment.
  4. The Republican Party opposes construction of the Dickey-Lincoln project as economically questionable and as a waste of natural resources. *


  1. While we appreciate the need to reduce federal spending and to eliminate needless military expenditures, we are not prepared to accept or condone the Air Force Proposal for Loring Air Force Base because we are not persuaded that the proposal has merit. Furthermore, we demand a spirit of cooperation from the Air Force on this matter of vital concern to Aroostook County and the entire State of Maine.
  2. We urge all sectors of the Maine economy, including agriculture, fishing and tourism to organize themselves for self-promotion and development.
  3. The Department of Environmental Protection and the Land Use Regulation Commission should consider economic impacts in the making of decisions and regulations.*


  1. The Republican Party recognizes the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively.
  2. We believe in maintaining the high standards of ’s existing workmen’s compensation laws in order to provide protection to injured employees.
  3. Because the Unemployment Insurance Fund has been placed in serious financial jeopardy due to economic problems, abuses and inefficiencies of the system, and broadening of coverages under the law, we advocate creation of a task force to consist of representatives of management, labor, state government and the public at large for the purpose of recommending changes in the existing system to assure a solvent and fiscally sound unemployment insurance fund.
  4. We salute the tremendous work ethic and high productivity rate supplied by the Maine labor force and fully recognize that those individuals unemployed in Maine are generally not unemployed by their own volition, but rather are unemployed because of a lack of employment opportunities available in the State.



  1. We call for a new system of public school finance which returns to local governments the power to determine levels of expenditure for education. State funds to ensure equality of opportunity should be linked to local tax efforts, should come from general revenues, and should go to local school systems with no strings attached.
  2. Maine citizens should have the right to petition on school issues and have the power to reverse earlier decisions.
  3. We encourage the teaching of courses in the mechanics of the free enterprise system and political science.
  4. We support the school system in which discipline is maintained so that the rights of others are not infringed upon.
  5. We believe that truancy laws should be enforced or strengthened.
  6. Educational systems developed in other states are not necessarily applicable to Maine and therefore should be reviewed carefully.
  7. We support the protection of non-federally funded private schools from government control.
  8. We urge review of the child labor laws regarding their impact upon the ability of young people to obtain summer jobs while students.
  9. We support a strong, efficient and fiscally responsible University system.
  10. We believe that handicapped and gifted children have a right to develop to their fullest potential.


  1. The Republican Party feels that the welfare system in the state of Maine should be investigated and revised with particular attention paid to the abuse of welfare by some recipients and the inefficient administration of welfare by the department. We think the eligibility rules should be tightened and all welfare programs administered at the local level.
  2. We feel an unemployed person should be required to take any job available consistent with physical capacity in order to qualify for public assistance.
  3. We urge a legislative review of state and federal unemployment compensation laws and regulations, which promote the payment of such funds to part-time school personnel during non-school periods and we further urge that such a policy be opposed, with corrective legislation if necessary.


  1. The Republican Party advocates putting the Social Security System on a sound fiscal basis.
  2. There should be no limit on earnings of retired persons in qualifying them for full social security benefits.
  3. We encourage further study into the problems and needs of older Americans in regard to income, housing, medical care, transportation, safety, and deficient community and social services.
  4. We propose establishment of programs and legislation based on the above studies, that will provide for the physical, mental, and social well-being of our senior citizens.



  1. The Legislature should refrain from granting administrators broad authority to promulgate regulations without legislative guidelines.
  2. Administrative regulations should be subject to veto by the Legislature or by the appropriate legislative committee within ninety days.
  3. In order to ensure regular review of existing programs, the Legislature should establish staggered review dates for all programs at which time the programs will justify their existence or be eliminated.
  4. The current number of legislators should be maintained in order to ensure representation of a variety of views.
  5. Lobbying regulations should apply to government agencies and government associations as well as to private lobbyists. Lobbying should not be financed at taxpayers’ expense. The origin of all bills should be identified.
  6. The Legislature should adopt legislation appropriate to Maine rather than swallow highly complex models lobbied by outsiders.
  7. Legislative pay should not be raised to the point where men and women seek election and re-election because of the pay rather than out of the sense of contributing to the public good at some personal sacrifice.
  8. The Republican Party shall report to the people, within 90 days of legislative adjournment a “Report Card” which shall (1) list the party platform planks, (2) list the Republican introduced bills relating to each plank, and (3) list such bills which were enacted.


  1. We favor adoption of the item veto on appropriations bills as a means to control spending.
  2. The rights of public employees to participate in the political process must be maintained consistent with the retention of an objective civil service and the avoidance of conflict of interest.
  3. When regulations are established, the problems of small business should be considered regarding record-keeping and red tape.


  1. We oppose voter registration by the post card method as creating bureaucracy and encouraging fraud.
  2. We support legislation requiring reporting of large campaign contributions and expenditures, but oppose use of tax money to subsidize campaigns.
  3. Districting of House and Senate seats should follow existing county boundaries as much as possible. We applaud the establishment of single member districts.


  1. We support improvement in the selection and use of jurors.
  2. A judicial nominating commission should be established to recommend qualified potential nominees to the Governor.
  3. We support establishment of a program for continuing education of judges and court administrators, including orientation in the linguistic and cultural differences among litigants.
  4. Sentencing should make greater use of work sentences in public service jobs for minor offenses and should include restitution by the convicted for the victims of crime.
  5. Community-based juvenile corrections through establishment of homes for delinquents are more appropriate and less expensive than detention in institutions.
  6. Capital punishment for certain types of crimes should be estab­lished.


  1. We favor the restructuring of county government to make it more representative and more efficient, thereby strengthening it as an alternative to regional government.
  2. Communities that desire zoning should adopt plans that best suit their needs.



  1. The Republican Party favors a constitutional amendment to prevent manipulation of public employee retirement funds. This would also require the Legislature to pay in each year and prohibit borrowing from the funds.
  2. We endorse renewal of the federal revenue sharing program and extension of the revenue sharing concept at both national and state levels in preference to strings-attached grants as a means to assist local government.
  3. In purchasing goods and services, federal and state governments should give preference to American and local businesses.
  4. We support the integrity of all dedicated funds.
  5. We prefer “pay as you go” financing rather than bonding whenever practicable.
  6. We support doing whatever is necessary according to recognized financial analysis (such as Moody’s) to restore the state’s AAA bond rating.
  7. We reject the concept of automatic pay raises tied to the cost of living for Congressmen and government employees as this gives them a vested interest in continued inflation, but we recognize the current need for a pay raise for state employees and support the creation of a proper classification system which provides equal pay for equal work.*


  1. The Republican Party supports the repeal of the state assessed uniform property tax and supports a constitutional amendment prohibiting the State Government from using the property tax as a source of revenue.
  2. The Republican Party supports complete reform and simplification of the Federal Income Tax, hopefully reducing the huge bureaucracy and cost involved in administering this tax.
  3. The Republican Party supports the concept of imposing a constitutional tax limitation on the taxing and spending power of government with taxes and spending limited to a defined percentage of the total income of the people, thereby preventing a state legislature or the Congress from increasing taxes faster than our income.
  4. Property should be assessed at current use.
  5. Sales Tax should be paid on “trade-in difference” only.


  1. We favor retention of the Panama Canal by the United States as essential for our national defense and economy.
  2. The Republican Party reaffirms support for the Monroe Doctrine, including continued economic and diplomatic sanctions against Cuba .
  3. We believe each country should have the right to self-determination of its internal affairs. Therefore we denounce the intervention of Russia and Cuba in the affairs of Angola and other African nations. *

* These planks were adopted as amendments at the Convention, but the written texts did not reach the Convention Secretary. These versions are close approximations based upon notes made when the amendments were proposed to the Convention.

# Due to the expiration of available time, the Convention concluded by authorizing the State Committee to act upon the proposed amendments then remaining. These are the planks subsequently adopted by the committee.

Source: Copy of the printed platform at the Maine State Law Library.

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