
The 2004 Platform of the Maine Green Independent Party sets forth a vision for a future based on the Ten Key Values of the international Green movement.

Our vision is focused on a peaceful and prosperous community life characterized by value-based grassroots democracy, equal treatment and equal access for all people, environmental and economic sustainability, fulfilling and gainful work and leisure, and interdependence of individuals and their environment.

This Platform is an evolving document, originally envisioned by the Maine Green Party of 1996, and changes in response to events and developments.

The Maine Green Independent Party shall use this document as a guide to develop strategies and policies for moving our values forward.

This 2004 Platform of the Maine Green Independent Party sets forth our vision of a new democracy, one which recognizes that ecological balance in the new millennium is a priority for the betterment of humanity, in the State of Maine and worldwide.

As an affiliated member of the Green Party of the United States , we recognize and endorse the national platform as our own, and offer this state platform as our specific green vision for the State of . This platform focuses on state issues and politics, deferring to the national platform for issues of national scope. The Maine Green Independent Party reserves the right to differ in opinion on particulars of the national platform if it so chooses, and will note such differences in its own platform in the future should such differences occur.

The Ten Key Values

Ecological Wisdom/Global Awareness

Grassroots Democracy

Social and Economic Justice



Community Based Economics

Feminism and Gender Equity

Respect for Diversity

Personal and Social Responsibility

Future Focus and Sustainability


The Maine Green Independent Party believes that a healthy economy provides the following:

Low unemployment,

Jobs with living wages, equitable pay for men and women, and health care benefits,

Accessible and affordable quality childcare,

Decent, affordable housing,

Businesses that produce goods for local and regional markets,

Strict pollution standards, with the goal of “zero pollution”

A healing ecosystem, and

Clean and efficient renewable energy, and

A thriving community of small and micro businesses and self-employed persons.

The Maine Green Independent Party recommends economic development through:

The creation of accessible regional and statewide energy-efficient public transportation systems

Nurturing care and stewardship of the environment and natural resources,

Assistance for low-income Mainers to move into a new economic mainstream,

Countering the influences of the powerful global economy.

The Maine Green Independent Party realizes that N.A.F.T.A., G.A.T.T., F.T.A.A., and the W.T.O. drive international policies that strive for a global economy to the detriment of the economy of the State of Maine , and we call upon it and politicians to counter these influences.

Maximizing good and safe jobs, and including pollution and the depletion of resources into the full accounting of production costs, are Green goals in economic development decisions.

If elected, Maine Green Independents will pursue these policies:

Foster regional economic self-sufficiency,

Establish regulatory controls that prevent monopolistic practices and price gouging in essential markets, such as heating oil, electricity, and gasoline,

Change tax and incentive policies to reward businesses that provide a living wage and employ sustainable resource practices,

Subsidize the creation and retrofitting of industries to an intermediate technology that accommodates more jobs and/or spares the environment or saves energy,

Institute tax penalties for businesses that allow unfavorable employment conditions such as unsafe work places, low wages, or increased automation that reduces jobs.

End all non-sustainable forest practices,

Ensure safe, healthy living and working conditions for migrant laborers,

Capitalize programs that support employee buy-out and ownership of businesses as well as support for peer group lending and business skill assistance for micro business,

Provide economic development assistance and tax code changes that favor Maine owned and based businesses and self-employed persons,

Institute tax penalties for pollution and resource depletion,

Promote development and use of renewable and non-polluting heating systems and fuels, Support community based cooperative centers, daycare centers, community currency, bartering, alternative banks and credit unions,

Support community-supported and cooperative agricultural ventures,

Support efforts to develop rural economy through production and consumption of locally produced organic food, and promote agricultural diversification,

Legalize the cultivation of hemp, and promoting the development of new hemp-based industries,

Redirect turnpike revenues from tolls and taxes on highway freight to the development of interstate rail and alternatives to car and truck use, and

Promote education and advocacy on how population growth must reflect a sustainable growth model.


The Maine Green Independent Party believes that grassroots democracy is the only political system that can work. We also believe that the American political system is no longer a true democracy. We therefore intend to work to reform Maine ’s political culture according to the following goals:

The end of corporate dominance of politics, including opposition to the recognition of corporate personhood,

Encouragement of a multiplicity of political parties in Maine ,

Greater citizen political participation and awareness, especially among women and minorities, and

Elections of a true citizen legislature including women proportionate to their percentage in the population.

If elected, Maine Green Independents will pursue these policies:

Promote women in leadership roles reflective of demographics,

Institute instant runoff voting for all statewide elections, or support runoff elections,

Enact a system of proportional representation, reflective of the views of all citizens

Ban PAC, corporate and “soft” party contributions from all political campaigns in Maine,

Set campaign spending limits,

Mandate free political programming in place of paid television and radio advertising,

Protect the Maine Clean Elections law,

Provide easier ballot access for new political parties,

Maintain and improve the referendum process,

Make Election Day in November a state holiday, and

Require the Secretary of State to enforce the National Voter Registration Act by mandating that municipalities use only the most recently approved voter registration application, which includes a complete list of all legally qualified political parties in the State of Maine available to citizens for enrollment.

Ratify in Maine , an amendment to the constitution of the to allow for national citizen initiatives and referendums

Prohibit contributions to initiative and referendum campaigns from entities that are not natural persons.

Amend the State Constitution to lower the voting age to seventeen.


We expect public education to provide the following to all citizens:

A learning environment free of corporate and military advertising,

Awareness of the individual’s inherent rights as citizens of the state, country and world,

Skills to use the tools and resources required to function in modern society,

Knowledge about the laws that govern communities,

Freedom to explore areas of interest,

A connection to the larger community,

A sense of personal, social and global responsibility.

The Maine Green Independent Party is committed to:

Curricula and instruction equal to today’s complex challenges,

Dual emphasis on achieving individual potential and cooperative problem solving,

Universal access and equity of education opportunity in a life long context,

Democratic educational institutions in which students, teachers, administrators, parents and others share responsibility,

Community based decision making with neighborhood involvement,

Support for lifelong learning for all people

Safe and healthy learning environments,

Greater awareness in schools about gender-based societal pressures and their effects upon individuals, both male and female, and

Equitable distribution of public funds among public schools.

55% or more of the cost of elementary and secondary public education to be funded by the State,

Amend the State of Maine Constitution to eliminate the “unfunded mandate” which allows the State to set educational standards but requires local communities to be responsible for funding their implementation,

Develop the State’s Learning Results law, including financial support for communities to implement their local assessment systems,

Support elementary school foreign language education,

Eliminate the D.A.R.E. program, which has been found wasteful and counterproductive in national studies, and integrate substance abuse awareness education into the curriculum with community and schoolwide involvement,

Institute diversity, civil rights, and conflict resolution programs at all levels in grades K-12, and

Institute a community service requirement for high school graduation.


The Maine Green Independent Party believes in the development of strategies and practices of energy use that do not waste our resources or cause harm to our environment. In a world of finite natural resources that can be used for energy production, we will not survive if we continue to consume them without regard for conservation and sustainability. Individuals, communities, government and industry share the responsibility for making these changes. We believe in striving for a no-waste policy of energy production and use.

If elected, Maine Green Independents will pursue these policies:

Support standards for energy efficient buildings and appliance technology in new construction and retrofitting,

Curtail fossil fuel-based air conditioning and promoting natural cooling/ventilation systems,

Support the conversion to primary reliance on renewable energy use in all public buildings, replacement of the state fleet and public transport with hybrid, electric or fuel-efficient vehicles,

Provide incentives for homeowners and businesses who follow energy conservation practices, and invest in new and retrofitted use of renewable energy sources,

Provide incentives for the purchase and use of fuel-efficient and fossil-fuel alternative vehicles,

Reduce energy consumption in commercial lighting, including advertising,

Promote new construction standards, use of non-toxic materials, natural lighting in commercial and public buildings, and siting for optimum solar gain.

Promote the development and use of alternative energy technologies, including active and passive solar, hydrogen, wind, low-head hydropower, alcohol, tidal, geothermal, bio-energy, methane and fuel cells,

End subsidies for fossil and nuclear fuel use and production,

Abolish nuclear energy technology in Maine ,

Support research efforts for increased efficiencies in wood and fossil fuel burning technologies and nuclear waste disposal, and

Support the development of public transportation, as well as accessible and strategically arranged bike and walking paths.


The Maine Green Independent Party believes that the health of all citizens is both a personal and a community responsibility. Human health is affected by the health of our physical environment and by our personal behavior. It is the community’s responsibility to provide a system that supports health maintenance for all, and promotes healthy behavioral patterns and preventative health practices.

If elected, Maine Green Independents will pursue these policy goals:

Establish a state-funded single payer health care system with basic health care for all citizens, regardless of ability to pay,

Increase financial support for public health, with an emphasis on community-based and preventive health care.

Eliminate the emission of toxins and environmental pollution,

Train health care providers to recognize and diagnose toxic-caused illnesses, including environmental, workplace and drug reaction illnesses,

Improve identification and regulation of agricultural pollutants,

Improve nutrition education,

Eliminate the use of herbicides,

Improve access to medical marijuana,

Ensure access to dental services in rural areas,

Protect a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion and ensure the availability of abortion services,

Provide access to a broad range of services and complimentary therapies,

Support the training and services of alternative health care practitioners,

Ensure individual access to regular monitoring of health, with special attention to individuals in high risk groups,

Mandate the labeling of all foods that have been genetically-engineered, irradiated, or to which chemical pesticides have been applied,

Provide access to prescription drugs, regardless of ability to pay, and

Fund research into cause, prevention and treatment of disease, including the ways by which toxic chemicals cause disease,

Legalize the right to death with dignity, and

Support methodone clinics being open all hours, seven days a week, so that patients may be treated within the facility instead of being granted prescriptions for “take-home” methadone, which leads to misuse and abuse.


The Maine Green Independent Party believes that we are dependent on the health of our natural resources. How we treat our natural resources is a paradigm for the health of our society and of ourselves. Ecological wisdom, diversity, interdependence and a long-term focus will heal our planet and our communities. We must reassert our authority over what is allowed into our air and water. No individuals or companies should be allowed to destroy and poison our natural resources for any form or gain. We must encourage and support stewardship of the Earth. By our examples we will teach others that not only can we make our natural systems sustainable, but our social and economic systems as well.

The Maine Green Independent Party believes that the following actions must be taken:

Eliminate toxic chemical emissions and solid waste pollution,

Develop and promote the idea of ZERO TOXIC EMISSIONS for all businesses and forms of transportation,

Reduce the levels of dioxins in the environment,

Require adequate warning posters along rivers and coastal areas where consumption of native fish is known to be a threat to human health, whether due to high dioxin levels or other reasons,

Adopt a concrete timetable for industry (primarily pulp and paper) to phase out completely the use of chlorine and chlorine-based chemicals,

Charter only corporations that abide by their agreements to use our resources in a sustainable manner, and revoke the charters of those that do not,

Eliminate the production and use of pesticides,

Mandate recycling/safe disposal of computer equipment,

Stop all burning of plastics and related materials, including hospital incinerators,

Recycle all recyclable materials including batteries, compost all compostables, and forbid the importation of all radioactive waste,

Ensure that Maine Yankee absorbs the full costs of decommissioning as well as full liability for any accident that may occur in the transportation of radioactive waste from the site,

Manage all wildlife and plant species based on biodiversity and the overall health of Maine ’s woods and waters, not on the pressures of special interests,

Enforce current laws regulating forestry practices, and enact reasonable limitations on clearcutting,

Phase out all dragging, drift-netting and gill-netting,

Conserve and protect common fish-breeding and fishing grounds from coastal development,

Encourage training and hiring of out-of-work fisherman to patrol our shores and inland waterways for sources of pollution and illegal fishing,

Encourage the aquaculture of fish, shellfish and seaweeds without the use of toxic chemicals,

Require accountable waste disposal from contained salmon farms,

Encourage fully sustainable, labor-intensive and chemical-free forestry practices,

Consider broader offsite impacts in governmental reviews of developments proposed for environmentally sensitive areas of the state,

Recognize Maine’s offshore marine environment as a precious and threatened natural resource, and consider the risks imposed upon it by human development, and

Publicly purchase available lands for the purpose of conserving it in perpetuity as an undeveloped natural resource.

Support endeavors to protect and conserve Maine’s groundwater resources,


The Maine Green Independent Party believes that food grown in a sustainable way is a fundamental right of the people of the state of Maine. We believe in supporting the use of locally grown food and supporting those small family farmers who provide us with this basic necessity of life.

To that end we propose the following:

Providing governmental supports to small family farms and eliminating bureaucratic paper work whenever possible,

Encouraging family farmers to stay on the farm and producing by supporting a living wage for all farmers and farm workers,

Develop financial incentives to support the transition of farms from traditional farming to organic agriculture,

Encouraging the adoption of high end Integrated Pest Management (IPM),

Taxing farm land at present use not “best use” (make farming a “best use”),

Looking to Europe and as ideal markets for organic, GMO-Free, hormone free agricultural products,

Markedly reducing the use of pesticides with mandated sales reports from the State Board of Pesticide Control,

Increase fines for pesticide trespass. Add landowners to the category of responsible parties in a pesticide trespass,

Changing the make up of the Pesticides Board to include 4 public representatives (1 from the University and 1 medical professional) with the remaining 3 members being users,

Pushing for institution of the IPM board created by the legislature in it’s last session

Supporting the adoption of the IPM model for use of pesticides in schools. As well as mandatory reporting of pesticide use to all families whose children attend a school,

Regulation and notification regarding the use of pesticides inside buildings, especially in rental properties and public buildings,

Encouraging the appointment of someone with a background in organic agriculture as the Commissioner of Agriculture,

Outlawing the practice of labeling toxic industrial waste as “fertilizer”, and authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to craft regulations on this subject,

Right to Know labeling for all GMO containing food, and

Banning persistent herbicides in fertilizer and compost, and legislating a better system for chain of custody of those components of commercial compost,


The Maine Green Independent Party believes in the equitable, respectful, and humane treatment of all citizens.

The Maine Green Independent Party believes that the following actions must be taken:

Ensure meaningful access to the courts and administrative recourse for low-income individuals by increasing the availability of free and affordable legal representation, advice, and information materials,

Promote the expansion of drug courts and other innovative means of dealing with criminal—and, in particular, youthful—offenders,

Improve the response to child abuse and overhaul the foster care system,

Continue to support legislation and referenda that seek to protect citizens of Maine from discrimination based on sexual orientation,

Legalize same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples,

Continue to oppose the death penalty in Maine,

Eliminate racial profiling,

Strengthen and enforce laws against hate crimes of all types, domestic violence and child abuse,

Continue to advocate for and create support systems that provide basic needs to the people of Maine,

Oppose prejudice and discrimination in all its forms and work toward increasing the awareness of and sensitivity to differences among people, and

Support the sovereignty of the indigenous people of Maine, including the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy Nations in their defense of sovereignty in recent lawsuits brought against them by paper corporations,

Support Ethical Purchasing legislation, and community awareness about ethical purchasing,

Advocate for the demilitarization of police and the implementation of citizen review or democratic oversight of police forces,

Support the development of community policing programs, and

Uphold and expand civil liberties and human rights.

Source: Green Independent Party Internet site Accessed May 19, 2005.

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