State Budget by Department

Maine State Budget by Department 2010-2011

The nearly $8 billion State budget for the fiscal year 2010-2011 allocated over 46% of its funds for Human Services, and 17% for education, accounting for 63% of the total budget.  That amounted to about $3.7 billion for health and human services. It also includes $1.4 billion in the form of General Purpose Aid to…

State Government Budget

State Expenditures by Fund 1997-2011

Maine state government has, in some ways, not expanded as much as many people think. From 2007 through 2011 the average increase in expenditures from state funds was 1.3% per year. Including federal funds, the increase was 2.7% per year, driven by the red “hump” in the chart above. Over the past three decades, the…


Female Grackle (2009)

The Common Grackle is a bird found throughout Maine in the summer; but it migrates to the southern states for the winter.  As is well described in the Birds of Maine field Guide, the male is a “Large [11-13 inches] black bird with iridescent blue black head, purple brown body, long black tail, long thin…


Spruce Grouse in Riley Township (2003)

Grouse Spruce Grouse The Spruce Grouse is found in mixed spruce and pine forests, such as this on the Appalachian Trail in Riley Township in western Maine. It roosts in trees and its almost tame behavior permitted a closer photo than allowed by most birds. This one was seen near its southern range, since the…


A male in summer is a yellow bird with a black patch on its forehead, with black wings and tail and white on the wings and rump. In winter he looks much like the female: a dull olive yellow with brownish wings.  The male has a bright orange bill, while the female’s is, again, a…


Seagull Near Monhegan Island (2007)

While commonly called “sea gulls,” Maine hosts three types of these birds: Great Black-backed, Herring, and Ring-billed gulls.  All are scavengers that eat a variety of items including, fish (such as alewives – see photo below), clams, eggs of other birds, garbage, and your lunch if you’re not careful! Gulls live year-round in coastal areas,…


Large Flock of Canada Geese off Route 115 in North Yarmouth (October 2013)

by Patt Corr (retired – contact Brad Allen)) Wildlife Biologist, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Description The snow goose, white-fronted goose, Canada goose, and Atlantic brant occur in Maine. The white-fronted goose, snow goose and Atlantic brant are only observed in Maine as they migrate through. Among these birds, the Canada goose is…

Gorges Grant of 1639

Grant of the Province of Maine CHARLES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith, &c To all to whom theise Presents shall come Greeting Whereas Sir Ferdinando Gorges Knight hath been an humble suitor unto us to graunte and confirme unto him and his heires a…

Gulf Hagas

Long view of Gulf Hagas with Forested Cliffs

Gulf Hagas and The Hermitage are both located in the Bowdoin College Grant East, T7 R10 NWP, an unorganized township east of Greenville and northwest of Brownville. The area is part of the Appalachian Trail corridor owned by the National Park Service. Approaches from each town are over a private logging road on which control…

Georges Islands

Allen Island with the Weymouth Cross; Benner Island at Right (2006)

Allen Island with the Weymouth Cross; Benner Island at Right (2006)   The Georges Islands are about four miles south southwest of Port Clyde in Knox County. They include Allen, Benner, Davis, Burnt and Little Burnt islands. According to The Maine Island Trail 2000 Stewardship Handbook and Guide (p. 125), “In the 1800’s, fishing and…

Gardiner, William Tudor

William Tudor Gardiner (courtesy Maine State Museum)

(1892-1953) born in Newton, Massachusetts on June 12, 1892, attended Groton School, Harvard and Harvard Law School. He was admitted to the Bar in 1917 and in the same year enlisted in the First Maine Heavy Artillery. During World War I he rose to the rank of First Lieutenant and served with the army of…

Garcelon, Alonzo

Alonzo Garcelon (courtesy Maine State Museum)

(1813-1906) born in Lewiston on May 6, 1813, was Maine governor from 1879 to 1870. Educated at academies in Monmouth, Waterville, and Newcastle, he worked his way through Bowdoin College by teaching school, graduating in 1836. After attending medical school at Dartmouth and the Medical College of Ohio, he returned to Lewiston to open his…


William King, Maine

Governors initially were elected for one year terms, then two year terms beginning in 1880, and finally in 1962 four year terms were adopted. From 1820 through 1853, fifteen of the eighteen governors were Democratic-Republicans or Democrats. (See election results and election procedures.) William King, a wealthy business owner and politician, was the leading force…