
A male in summer is a yellow bird with a black patch on its forehead, with black wings and tail and white on the wings and rump. In winter he looks much like the female: a dull olive yellow with brownish wings.  The male has a bright orange bill, while the female’s is, again, a…

Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird in Newcastle (2008)

is a bird that inhabits marshes, swamps, meadows and pastures throughout the United States and throughout the state of Maine. The male is easily identified by its bright red “shoulder patches.”  The female and the young are streaked with brown, not at all appearing to be black birds. The male often catches the eye as…

Black-capped Chicadee (2007)


Black-capped Chicadee (2007)

The Black-capped Chickadee is the State of Maine’s official bird.  Actually, the law only refers to the “chickadee,” but there are other species.  This 5 inch bird inhabits the northern half of the United States and southern Canada. In addition to the familiar chicka-dee-dee call, its song, sounding like hey-sweetie or fee-bee-bee, is less associated with…