
Chipping Sparrow (2010)

Several species of sparrows abound in Maine’s collection of birds.  They include the Chipping, Song, and White-throated sparrows. All are between 5 and 7 inches long. In an unusual twist, the female and male sparrows noted here have the same color schemes. Chipping Sparrow The distinctive mark is the rust-colored crown atop their heads. The…


Dark-eyed Junco (2010)

The Dark-eyed Juncos are birds that live in Maine all year. Ground feeders, they are most often noticed in winter in small flocks under bird feeders. They especially like seeds that fall from the feeders. In summer they tend to stay in coniferous (pine, spruce) forests. The male is slate-gray with a white belly; the…


Loon in Pierce Pond (2007)

may be found all over Maine in its lakes and ponds. In winter they move closer to the coast where they fish in the ocean and bays. Loons dive to great depths and swim long distances under water to avoid humans and predators.  Some have been found tangled in nets 200 feet below the surface.…


Female Grackle (2009)

The Common Grackle is a bird found throughout Maine in the summer; but it migrates to the southern states for the winter.  As is well described in the Birds of Maine field Guide, the male is a “Large [11-13 inches] black bird with iridescent blue black head, purple brown body, long black tail, long thin…


Spruce Grouse in Riley Township (2003)

Grouse Spruce Grouse The Spruce Grouse is found in mixed spruce and pine forests, such as this on the Appalachian Trail in Riley Township in western Maine. It roosts in trees and its almost tame behavior permitted a closer photo than allowed by most birds. This one was seen near its southern range, since the…