
Somerset Academy Building (2003)

Settled by Revolutionary War soldiers, Athens incorporated in 1804. Somerset Academy now serves as town office, American Legion hall, and Christian Fellowship meeting place. The Union Meetinghouse has served the community since 1840. Athens has hosted a small agricultural fair for many years.


A town “Arundel” formed in 1719. In 1821 it became Kennebunk Port, from which, in 1915 a new town emerged: “North Kennebunkport.” In 1957 it changed to Arundel. Kenneth Roberts’ historical novel “Arundel” recounts the early life of the area and influenced the reemergence of the name. See video and photos.


Doubling Point Light on the Kennebec River in Arrowsic (2014)

Arrowsic Island in the Kennebec River separates Georgetown from Phippsburg, which was settled in 1607. In 1625 Europeans moved to Arrowsic, five years after the Pilgrim landing. Two lighthouses have been established on Arrowsic’s Kennebec shore. See videos and photos.

Aroostook War

"Site of U.S. Arsenal, June, 1828-December, 1903" (2004)

It was the nation’s only war declared by a state and the nation’s only bloodless war. Its roots were planted in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 ending the Revolutionary War.  With inaccurate maps and uncertainty about with local river was the French named St. Croix River, the treaty language left the British termed “Disputed…


Houlton Veterans Memorial

The Maine Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management was established to coordinate and improve the discharge of the State Government’s responsibility relating to military, veterans and civil emergency management through the authorization, planning, provision of resources, administration, operation and audit activities in these areas. It contains the Office of Adjutant General, which has existed…

Appleton, John

John Appleton courtesy (Maine State Museum)

(1815-1864), a U.S. Representative born in Beverly, Massachusetts on February 11, 1815, was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1834. He studied law at the Cambridge Law School, was admitted to the Cumberland bar in 1837, and commenced practice in Portland. Appleton engaged in editorial work on the Eastern Argus and became editor in 1838. Register…


Outline of a Building at Pemaquid (2001)

                                          Outline of a Building at Pemaquid (2001) The views above represent products of historic archaeology, showing outlines of buildings in the early years of the Pemaquid settlement. The views of digs at shell middens…

Androscoggin River

rises in the northwestern corner of the state, enters New Hampshire at Errol, then crosses back in the Oxford County town of Gilead. It then heads north at Bethel to Hanover then Rumford and Mexico before turning south to Livermore Falls and the cities of Lewiston and Auburn, soon to join the Kennebec River in…

Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act 1979

INDIAN TERRITORIES CHAPTER 601 MAINE INDIAN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT (To Indian Lands Claims article.) 30 § 6201. Short title INDIAN TERRITORIES CHAPTER 601 MAINE INDIAN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT 30 § 6201. Short title This Act shall be known and may be cited as “AN ACT to Implement the Maine Indian Claims Settlement.” [1979, c. 732, §§ 1,…