Baldacci Inaugural Address 2003

Center for Digital Government presents first place award for its annual Best of the Web competition to Governor Baldacci, January 27, 2005.

Governor John E. Baldacci, January 8, 2003 Madam President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Legislature, Governor Curtis, Governor Brennan, distinguished guests, Chief Saufley and representatives of the court. More than 200 years ago, when Thomas Jefferson delivered his first inaugural address, he came before the American people and said, “the task is above my talents.”…

Brennan Inaugural Address 1983

Governor Joseph E. Brennan, January 6, 1983 Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, honorable members of the 111th Maine Legislature, Mr. Chief Justice and distinguished members of the Maine Judiciary, Senator Mitchell, Bishop O’Leary, Rabbi Krinsky, Reverend Josselyn, my colleagues in service to the people of Maine, my friends, family, and fellow citizens. It is a rare…

Webster Ashburton Treaty

Daniel Webster

Before his illustrious career, Daniel Webster was a teacher at Fryeburg Academy in 1802 before pursuing his legal profession. Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, representing the United States, negotiated a new boundary between Maine and what is now Canada with Alexander Baring, Lord Ashburton, “Her Britannic Majesty’s Minister Plenipotentiary on Special Mission.” The treaty, signed…