Roque Bluffs

Roque Island right; Roque Bluffs in distance from Route 187 in Jonesboro (2004)

Located south of Machias, the community has a long coastline on its Great Cove, Englishman Bay and Little Kennebec Bay. Roque Bluffs State Park occupies about two miles of the shore. Inland from the park is the Englishman River Wildlife Management Area along the eastern shore of that river.


Pine Tree Camp on North Pond in Rome (2014)

The town has substantial frontage on Long Pond (at right) and Great Pond in the Belgrade Lakes region, with many camping, boating, and other recreational opportunities. The town line is adjacent to the small village of Belgrade Lakes in the town of Belgrade.


Rockport Harbor in Autumn (2001)

The main village lies north of Rockland and boasts its own, attractive harbor near Camden. The harbor was once the home of “Andre the seal,” a local attraction and mascot of the community and summer visitors. Atteeactions include its lighthouse, opera house, and waterfront park .


The Farnsworth Museum (2005)

a city in, and the county seat of, Knox County, it is the home to the Farnsworth Art Museum, the Maine Seafood Festival, a historic working waterfront, historic structures, and birthplace of notable cultural and political figures. Located on U.S. Route 1, the city is a regional service and retail center.


Henrietta Brewer House, now Redclyffe Motel (2013)

has as its eastern border is the scenic St. Croix River and Passamaquoddy Bay. The main village is on U.S. Route 1 along the shore, where most of its population is located. Most of the western portion is undeveloped, with unimproved roads and several lakes and ponds.


Field and Farms in Ripley (2003)

Ripley Pond, once known as Rogers Pond, extends two miles north to south. Ripley Village is at the southern end. The outlet of the pond, Ripley Stream, was the site of two sawmills and a grist mill in the late 19th century. Ripley Village is at the southern end. West Ripley village is at the junction of West Ripley Road and Todds Corner Road.


Lake and Mountains in Readfield (2002)

Kents Hill School was established here initially as the Maine Wesleyan Seminary in 1824. See photos. Readfield is the birthplace of two governors: Jonathan G. Hunton and Dr. John Hubbard. Another governor and member of Congress, Anson P. Morrill, lived at Readfield Corners. Its Kennebec County Fair has been held annually since 1856. Meeting House Common was the site of militia musters in the 1800’s.


Jordan Bay across Wetlands in Raymond (2003)

The main village is located at the head of the large, well protected, Jordan Bay on the shore of Sebago Lake. Adjacent Raymond Neck extends over four miles into the Lake to form the Bay. Raymond’s “welcome” sign entices fishing enthusiasts to the “Home of the Landlocked Salmon,” which inhabit the lake. Nathaniel Hawthorne spent summers at his mother’s home.


on the west bank of the Penobscot River, across from Bucksport, the main village is at the junction of Maine Route 174 and U.S. Route 1A, near the South Branch of the Marsh River. Prospect is home to Fort Knox, built in 1844 with Mount Waldo granite from Frankfort and named for Henry Knox, the first U.S. Secretary of War.


Boat Launch and Swimming Area at Lewy Lake (2013)

The town surrounds most of Pocomoonshine Lake, the origins of whose fascinating name is unclear. In 1886, the Gazetteer of Maine referred to it as “Shining Lake.” See photos. Along its northern boundary is a chain of lakes, including Long Lake and Lewey Lake, easily accessible from Princeton Village.

Presque Isle

Presque Isle Birdseye View 1894

With many fine houses and a historic downtown, Presque Isle has its commercial strip like so many other communities. See photos. The University of Maine campus here provides educational and cultural opportunities for area residents. Aroostook State Park is located at the southern end of the town, on Echo Lake. The French presque isle means “almost an island,” based on the twists and turns of the Aroostook River and the Presque Isle Stream.

Prentiss, Penobscot County

Entering Prentiss Township on Combined Routes 169/170 north of Springfield Village (2020)

This sparsely populated area is remote from even moderately sized towns. Maine Routes 169, 170, and 171 cut through the woods and bogs that characterize the area. Prentiss Village is at the junction of routes 169 and 171 in the south-central area of the township. The township’s population has been relatively stable in recent decades at around 200.


Location Map for Portland

Bradbury Mountain State Park offers picnicking, a modest walk to the summit, and a historic cattle pound. See video and photos. “Pineland Center ” is a community of non-profits and local businesses. Most of the town is rural residential, with homes and a few farmhouses widely spaced along the local roads. The few commercial establishments are clustered in Pownal Center Village.


With its large population, financial and legal services, cultural and historical attractions, and “Old Port” dining and shopping district, the City is the only true metropolitan area in the state. See photos. Portland harbor is a working waterfront serving tankers, tourists, and fisheries, along with recreational boating from year-round and summer residents. Ferries connect the mainland to the many Casco Bay islands. Settled in 1632 and incorporated as a town on July 4, 1786, Portland became a city in 1833.


Ossipee River in Porter from Routes 25 and 160 (2014)

The main village, Kezar Falls, shares its name with the other half of the community located across the Ossipee River in Parsonsfield, York County. Built in 1876, the two-span 152-foot covered bridge above crosses the Ossipee River. The town, which borders New Hampshire, is served by Maine Routes 160 and 25 (also known as the Ossipee Trail).

Portage Lake

Late Summer Sunset over Portage Lake (2003)

in Aroostook County, settled in 1844, incorporated 1909, the village lies at the southeastern end of Portage Lake, about twelve miles northwest of Ashland. See photos. In 1967 a small community of Tibetan refugees was established, but dissolved in 1970 when their work project terminated. They scattered to other states.


The Spring House at Poland Spring (2003)

The Poland Spring Bottling Plant and Spring House are local landmarks. See photos. The town, just west of Auburn, has two other large lakefront areas and is served by Maine Routes 11, 26, and 122. One of water bodies is home to Range Pond State Park. The town, just west of Auburn, has two other large lakefront areas. One of water bodies is home to Range Pond State Park. The Maine State Building was built to represent the state at the Chicago World’s Fair, known as the Colombian Exposition, in 1893.