Basketball Girls

        Girls Consecutive Wins ending in the year noted: School No. Year Camden 87 1954 Eliot 78 1962 Gorham 77 1981 Westbrook 76 1982 New Gloucester 76 1950 Sherman 75 1967   Girls Consecutive Championships School No. Years Westbrook 4 1978-1981 Gorham 4 1978-1981 Lawrence 4 1991-1994 McAuley 4 2011-2015   According…

Basketball Boys

Year Class L & A Class B Class M & C Class D 1922 South Portland 1923 Bangor 1924 Biddeford & Northeast Harbor* 1925 Westbrook 1926 South Portland & Bangor* 1927 Westbrook 1928 South Portland Boys Consecutive Wins               Final Year 1929 South Portland School Wins Year 1930 Cheverus Valley…


Mt. Ararat Hight School (2002)

HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Virtually every high school in Maine has a baseball team.  Some have produced strong players who have excelled in college and in the major leagues.  As with other sports, championship categories have evolved over the years, with schools moving from one “class” to another as populations changed and new classes were added.…