
Brewer Along the Penobscot (2003)

Year Population 1970 9,300 1980 9,017 1990 9,021 2000 8,987 2010 9,482 Geographic Data N. Latitude 44:46:44 W. Longitude 69:25:29 Maine House Dists 128,129 Maine Senate District 8 Congress District 2 Area sq. mi. (total) 15.6 Area sq. mi. (land) 15.1 Population/sq.mi. (land) 628.0 County: Penobscot Total=land+water; Land=land only  Brewer is a city in Penobscot…

Madawaska Lake Township

This township is just west of Stockholm and North of Westmanland in the Swedish Colony area of Aroostook County. The historic “Sunset Lodge” was a ceder log camp built in 1932 by Bruce Ward on the shore of the Lake. The Lodge apparently has been demolished based on a survey of the area in 2016.…

T22 MD Township

sign: Entering TWP 22 on Route 9

                                          Entering Township 22 on Route 9 A small community in Hancock County, the township’s only improved road, in its northeastern corner, is a portion of Route 9, (“The Airline“). Rocky Pond lies at the center…

Nesourdnahunk Township

North Branch of Trout Brook on the Tote Road (2014)

Wholly within Baxter State Park, also known as T5 R10 WELS, it contains five mountains over 1,700 feet. Trout Brook flow through. Dwelley Pond is it only pond. The Dwelley Pond Trail follows the old Tote Road north to south from near Burnt Mountain to near Strickland Mountain for day hiking, canoeing and fishing.

Prentiss, Somerset County

Location Map for Prentiss Township in Somerset County

an unorganized township in Somerset County, not to be confused with Prentiss Township T7 R3 NBPP in Penobscot County. As a result of the Maine Indian Lands Claim Settlement Act of 1980, the township is now Passamaquoddy Indian Territory. With few improved roads, access is from U.S. Route 201 in Sandy Bay Township from the Old Kelly Dam Road, which runs along the southern portion of Prentiss. several ponds provide fishing opportunities.

Lambert Lake Township

Sunset over Lambert Lake (2013)

is located south of Vanceboro in eastern Washington County.  The St. Croix River is its boundary with Canada. Two improved roads, Route 6 and Loon Bay Road, and a rail line, intersect near Lambert Lake and its small village.               Loon Bay and Bull Brook roads extend north-south serving…


Location Map for T3 R4 BKP WKR

T3 R4 BKP WKR This township hosts the Long Falls Dam on the Dead River. That dam maintains the level of Flagstaff Lake, but required the removal of the village of Flagstaff, which was flooded as a result of its construction.. There was a small natural lake at Flagstaff. In 1950, Central Maine Power Company…

Lobster Landings by Location

County Lobster Landngs 2011

Lobster landings occur all along Maine’s long coastline.  Stonington in Hancock County is by far the port receiving the largest amount and value of this commercial fishery. Lobster’s $435 million plus ex-vessel value accounted for 77% of the total value of commercial fish landings in 2011. Historical landings have increased substantially in recent years. The…

Elver Landings

Elver Landings 1994-2016

Elvers are young eels. According to the Maine Department of Marine Resources, “After spawning, the adult eels die. The eggs hatch after several days and develop into a larval stage (leptocephalus) which is shaped like a willow leaf. The larvae drift in the ocean for several months and then enter the Gulf Stream current to…

Atlantic Salmon Landings

Cultured Atlantic Salmon Production 1990-2010

  The following is abridged from Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife internet site at (accessed December 2, 2012) In Maine, Atlantic salmon were historically found in all major river systems and many of their tributaries with suitable spawning habitat. Today, they have disappeared from much of their historic range. In Maine they…


Ripogenus Gorge

This township is located east of the southern portion of Baxter State Park.  Both the Golden Road and the West Branch of the Penobscot River span its width.  Ripogenus Dam, Lake, and Gorge are major geographic features. [See related Chesuncook]                              …

Scallop Landings

Historical Scallop Landings 1950-2016

Scallop landing by commercial fishermen spiked in 1961 and in 1991, followed in each case by years of reduced landings. Total value was low from 1950 through 1970, regardless of the volume of meat obtained.  Since 1970 total value has generally followed the trend of the landings. Price per pound has remained above $5.00 since…

Lobster Landings

Lobster Boats in Stonington Harbor (2003)

After almost forty years of basically flat lobster landings at about 20,000,000 pounds, the catch has trended upward since 1990.  While the value has increased consistently in current dollars, its rate of increased accelerated with higher catch figures. Landings vary by location: counties, towns, and specific ports. YEAR POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 18,352,600…

Crab Landings

Crab Landings 1950-2016

Included here are the folowing species: Cancer, Jonah, Rock, Spider, and others unspecified.  Since 1950 harvests in the range of one to three million pounds were the norm until a brief boom (2001-2007) changed things.  But recently the old range has returned, but will it last? YEAR POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 1,434,400 1.4…

Cod Landings

Atlantic Cod Historical Landings 1950-2016

The amount and value of cod landngs by commercial fishermen spiked in 1991 to over 21 million pounds and over $16 million in total value.  Since then landings have dropped as sharply as they had increased in 1989 and 1990. YEAR LIVE POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 6,613,000 6.6 $304,150 $0.05 1951 5,292,800 5.3…

Blue Mussel Harvests

Blue Mussels Historical Landings 1950-2016

Prior to the mid-1970’s, blue mussel harvests in commercial fishing were relatively low.  Since then harvests appear to follow cycles, with higher yields in the late 1980’s, the mid-1990’s and the mid-2000’s.  Higher total values followed a similar trend.  “Whole pounds” in the table below refers to mussels in the shell, as does “price/lb.”  Mussel…

Bloodworm Harvests

Bloodworm Landings (1964-2016)

In the decade from 1964 through 1974, harvests were relatively high and total value was low.  Since then harvests had been lower and prices moderate until 2001 when values doubled and remained high through 2011. Bloodworms, often used as fish bait in commercial fisheries, are one of several marine worms found in Maine.   YEAR…

Alewife Landings

Seagulls feasting on Alewives (2008)

Alewife landings crashed in 1981 and have yet to recover to any of the 1950-1980 levels.  While both the catch and value were depressed through 2000, more recent years have shown a rise in total value and price per pound. Latest data are preliminary. YEAR POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 3,165,600 3.1656 $28,294 $0.01…