Bald Head Preserve, Arrowsic. A Bald eagle wintering area on 296 acres and two and a half miles of the Kennebec and Back Rivers. Access is across privately owned marsh or from the river. A trail leads to the picturesque Squirrel Point Light (now decommissioned) on the Kennebec River. Managed by the Nature Conservancy, access is off Bald Head Road.
Bates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area, Phippsburg, managed by Bates College. A private road off Route 216 leads about 2 miles over a salt marsh and wooded hill to a sandy beach between two rivers. No dogs, radios, beach paraphernalia allowed and there are no bathroom facilities available. Hiking along a well kept private road provides access to the Mountain and to Sewall Beach. The going is relatively easy with no steep climbing.
Bradley Pond Farm Preserve, Topsham. 2½ miles of trails for hiking and cross-country skiing on a private working farm are maintained by the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust. You find it at the end of the Bradley Pond Road, which intersects Route 201 less than four miles north of the intersection of Routes 201 and 196 in Topsham.
Cathance River Preserve and Watershed. The Cathance River flows through Topsham and into Merrymeeting Bay via Bowdoinham, with the 230-acre preserve situated along the river in Topsham. It is managed by the Cathance River Education Alliance, charged with developing hiking trails and enhancing environmental education for local school children.
Hamilton Sanctuary, West Bath. Peninsula on the New Meadows River offers views of the undeveloped shoreline of Back Cove. A trail system connects meadows and forest. Frequented by migrating waterfowl. Managed by Maine Audubon Society. Foster Point Road, 4 miles from New Meadows Road.
Josephine Newman Sanctuary, Georgetown. 2 miles of trails through salt marsh and stands of red oak, white pine, spruce, and hemlock beside rocky shore of Robinhood Cove. Managed by Maine Audubon Society. Rt. 127.
Ledgewood, Georgetown. Over a mile of spruce-fir forest, granite shore and moss-lichen understory. Managed by the Nature Conservancy.
Montsweag Preserve, Woolwich. 45 acres of woods and ledgey shoreline bordering tidal creek that empties into Montsweag Bay and is frequented by migrating waterfowl. Loop trail through woods, past tidal marsh and overlooking high shore. Approachable by land or by canoe along the estuary. Managed by the Nature Conservancy. 1.3 miles from Route one junction on Montsweag Road.
Robert P. Tristram Coffin Wildflower Sanctuary, Woolwich. 180-acre preserve owned by the New England Wildflower Society, containing more than 200 species of flowers, grasses, trees and shrubs. The sanctuary includes trails along Merrymeeting Bay. Located on Rt. 128, just north of Chops Point Road. Look for the sanctuary sign.
Swan Island, Richmond. Steve Powell Refuge and Wildlife Management Area, accessible by state boat from Richmond. Historic island with early settlement in Kennebec River just above Merrymeeting Bay. It features migrating waterfowl, bald eagle nest, deer. Camping and visitation areas are tightly controlled to protect wildlife; be prepared for a bumpy truck ride since walking in protected areas is prohibited. Camping arrangements must be made in advance. See Swan Island.