Orneville, east of Lagrange, is heavily forested. It has one small village, Boyd Lake, on Route 6/16 near Boyd Lake itself. Maine combined Routes 6/16 in the east and Route 11 in the west and a short stretch of Route 155 between Bradford and Lagrange in the southeast are the major improved roads on the perimeter of the township. Several unimproved dirt roads in the southern portion run through woods and to Boyd Lake.

Town Line, Entering Orneville Twp from Bradford on the Lagrange Road, Piscataquis County Line on Route 155 (2014)
The Lake, in the center of the township, covers about 1,000 acres with a maximum depth of 20 feet. (These are approximations since the most recent survey was conducted in 1954.) At the time, then Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game commented “Boyd Lake is a shallow warm water lake; no portion of it is suited to year-round support of trout and salmon. It should be utilized by fishermen for its small mouth bass, white perch, and pickerel fishery.” Access is off Route 6/16 and the County Road.
Additional resources
“BOYD LAKE Orneville Twp., Piscataquis Co. U. S. G. S. Boyd Lake, Me.” Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game. September. 1954. https://www.maine.gov/ifw/docs/lake-survey-maps/piscataquis/boyd_lake.pdf (accessed February 26, 2020.