
The Knife Edge on Katahdin

Maine has 711 mountains over 1,000 feet high. These are the 20 highest, including the vertical distance to be climbed from base to peak.  Actual hiking distances are, of course, longer. Name County Height Above Sea Level Climb Above Base Katahdin Piscataquis 5,267 4,674 Sugarloaf Franklin 4,237 2,931 Old Speck Oxford 4,180 2,690 Crocker Franklin…

Mount Vernon

The village of West Mount Vernon, with a small church and fire department, is located at the north end of Echo Lake and the south end of Taylor Pond. See photos. In 1926, the novelist Erskine Caldwell moved to an old farmhouse in Mount Vernon, where he lived until the early 1930’s. The main village, Mount Vernon, is in the north of the town on Minnehonk Lake.