
Osprey Overlooking Harpswell Sound (2012)

The Osprey, or “fish hawk,” is a powerful large bird with a wingspan sometimes reaching six feet. Its threatening physical size and sharp talons contrast with its almost ridiculously timid “cheep, cheep” chirping voice. It can be found across the state from the northern lakes and rivers to coastal islands. As are other hawks, the…


Cardinal on the ground near rocks and flowers in May, (2014)

These birds are colorful members of the finch family.  The male is well known for its bright red coat, and the female has tinges of red on her fine brownish feathers.  At 8-9 inches, they sport a distinctive tuft atop their heads. Both males and females wear a black “mask” around their eyes. Cardinals are…


Robin on a Lawn in Spring (2010)

The American Robin is the “sign of spring” for Mainers, when we first notice Robin Redbreast after a long absence. But in southern areas of the state these birds often resist the urge to join their northern cousins who head south for the winter. Poke around in swampy areas that have berries still on the…