- Moose on Craigville Road in T10 R6 WELS
- Who are these people?
- I’ll turn my back!
- Thinking
- Bye Bye
- Moose droppings
Craigville Road in T10 R6 WELS in North Maine Woods (2015)
This township in the North Maine Woods is just west of the town of Masardis, off the Garfield Road. The Craig Road, Craigville Road and, Craig Camp Roads in the southern area are the improved dirt roads in the township. Unimproved roads scatter in the central and northern reaches.
Yes, moose abound in the north woods and they take advantage of the well-groomed logging truck roads. This one on the Craigville Road says, “Hello”, “Too close for comfort”, and “Goodbye
No mountains inhabit the township, however a half dozen bogs are attached to the three streams (Otter Brook, Horse Brook and Shields Brook) all of which feed into the Aroostook River.
Logging and hunting camps are the primary uses the road network supports. Directions to some camps (left) appear on the Craigville Road as it enters Oxbow Plantation south of the township. The timber harvest area with “seed trees” (right) is near the intersection of the Craigville Road near Oxbow.
Road to Oxbow Camps
Unnamed Road to Aroostook River in Oxbow Craigville & Craigville Camp Roads
- Unnamed unimproved road leading to the Aroostook River south of the “dip” in Craigville Road in Oxbow
- Intersection of Craigville Road and Craig Camp Road in T10 R6 WELS
- Intersection on the Craigville Road near the Oxbow-T10 R6 WELS line in Oxbow