Sign: Welcome to Stratton-Eustis, Coplin and Wyman
Stratton is a village in the town of Eustis on the shore of a lake-sized portion of the Dead River. It is the main village with a small commercial area and civic facilities, including the town office, fire department, library, and post office.
Combined Route 16 and 27 is the village main street, known south of town as the Carrabassett Road. Eustis village is located about five miles north on Route 27.
The stack of the imposing ReEnergy plant, outside the village, may be seen for miles around. The installation uses biomass as its primary fuel to produce approximately 350,000 megawatts of electricity each year — enough to supply 45,000 homes.
The town bills itself as an outdoor recreation attraction featuring hiking, fishing, canoeing, camping, hunting, and snowmobiling, among others. Main Street offers lodging, restaurants, and grocery supplies for the seasonal visitor.
National Register of Historic Places – Listing
Blanchard, Ora, House
One house in Stratton stands out for its three-story tower at one corner. This is the Oramendal Blanchard House, home to the local sawmill owner in the late 19th century. Blanchard was later owner of the town water and electric companies. Not surprisingly a street was named for this important resident.
Stratton, the largest village in Eustis, is still more or less a frontier town in a remote section of western Maine. The only residence of any distinction in the community is this remarkable and very unusual large Queen Anne house built in 1892 by Oramendal Calways, called Ora Blanchard.
Blanchard was by all odds the most important figure in Stratton at the turn of the 20th century. This house is the landmark in the community and with its peculiar tower is a rare example of its style.
Source: United States. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. https://npgallery.nps.gov/pdfhost/docs/nrhp/text/80000215.PDF (accessed March 9, 2017)