`Do you know why it’s called a whiting?’ [said the Gryphon] `I never thought about it,’ said Alice. `Why?’ `It does the boots and shoes.’ the Gryphon replied very solemnly. Alice was thoroughly puzzled. `Does the boots and shoes!’ she repeated in a wondering tone. `Why, what are your shoes done with?’ said the Gryphon. `I mean, what makes them so shiny?’ Alice looked down at them, and considered a little before she gave her answer. `They’re done with blacking, I believe.’ `Boots and shoes under the sea,’ the Gryphon went on in a deep voice, `are done with a whiting. Now you know.’  — Lewis Carroll

From 1964 through 1970 the landings of silver hake (also known as “whiting”) by commercial fishermen were well over 10 million pounds annually.  Since 1974 landings have been below 4 million pounds, petering out to only a few hundred pounds before the fishery was closed.

When silver hake was available, the price per pound has fluctuated widely since 1986.

Silver Hake Landings 1964-2011

Silver Hake Landings 1964-2011

Silver Hake Price per Pound 1964-2016

Silver Hake Price per Pound 1964-2016

1964 25,349,929 $373,502 $0.01
1965 27,834,209 $486,031 $0.02
1966 29,497,234 $1,134,774 $0.04
1967 20,678,605 $503,128 $0.02
1968 28,809,976 $813,398 $0.03
1969 17,889,677 $801,872 $0.04
1970 14,837,350 $1,184,193 $0.08
1971 9,900,355 $479,651 $0.05
1972 4,094,666 $330,938 $0.08
1973 5,517,104 $299,263 $0.05
1974 2,868,904 $174,647 $0.06
1975 1,198,352 $72,443 $0.06
1976 407,554 $28,620 $0.07
1977 254,960 $17,020 $0.07
1978 1,161,794 $109,255 $0.09
1979 143,231 $15,328 $0.11
1980 545,302 $61,499 $0.11
1981 2,823,127 $329,513 $0.12
1982 1,919,736 $258,326 $0.13
1983 2,316,849 $327,782 $0.14
1984 3,623,839 $322,564 $0.09
1985 2,492,602 $276,198 $0.11
1986 1,930,305 $351,825 $0.18
1987 1,281,274 $341,000 $0.27
1988 2,142,467 $416,783 $0.19
1989 758,046 $218,462 $0.29
1990 263,857 $55,510 $0.21
1991 126,840 $44,368 $0.35
1992 101,614 $52,948 $0.52
1993 61,496 $24,423 $0.40
1994 1,935,150 $526,584 $0.27
1995 1,980,554 $628,833 $0.32
1996 3,206,663 $1,174,927 $0.37
1997 1,244,100 $319,272 $0.26
1998 176,658 $47,740 $0.27
1999 141,886 $49,758 $0.35
2000 21,519 $13,345 $0.62
2001 33,606 $11,996 $0.36
2002 42,233 $10,374 $0.25
2003 2,203 $1,062 $0.48
2004 2,419 $1,055 $0.44
2005 2,524 $462 $0.18
2006  2,627
2007 383 $74 $0.19
2009 657 $252 $0.38
2012 52,490 $22,718 0.43
2013 25,515 $20,079 $0.79
2014 79,072 $43,342 $0.55
2015 57,630 $43,541 $0.76
2016 45,964 $43,522 $0.95

Additional resources

Source:  http://www.maine.gov/dmr/commercial-fishing/landings/documents/whiting.table.pdf (accessed February 5, 2018)

Carroll, Lewis.  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The Millennium Fulcrum Edition 3.0.  https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rgs/alice-table.html (accessed December 26, 2017)

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