Samuel Emerson Smith

Samuel Emerson Smith

(1788-1860) born in Hollis, New Hampshire on March 12, 1788. He prepared for college at Groton Academy and graduated from Harvard College in 1808.

He immediately moved to Wiscasset to begin the practice of law and, coming from an old Democratic family, became an active political worker. In 1819 he was elected to the Massachusetts Legislature and the following year to the Maine Legislature, statehood having been achieved.

Thereafter he held several judicial positions until 1830 when he was elected Governor, serving from 1831 through 1834.

Again he returned to the judiciary until retiring in 1837. He enjoyed a long retirement in Wiscasset where he died on March 3, 1860.

Additional resources

Chase, Henry, ed. Representative Men of Maine.

*“Death of Ex. Gov. Smith,” Eastern Argus, Portland, March 7, 1860.

*Smith, Everett. “Samuel Emerson Smith,” Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, April, 1893, pp. 59-62.


*Cited in Friends of the Blaine House at April 25, 2011) (accessed April 25, 2011)

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