The Republican Party is a Party of individuals, independent and resourceful, who believe that the quality of government is determined by citizen participation. We believe the proper function of government is to do for the people only those things they cannot do themselves, having true compassion for the less fortunate and needy, but seeking not to interfere in the right of the people to retain their individuality as guaranteed by the State and Federal Constitution.
Maine Republicans are ready to join the refreshing philosophy of returning appropriate Federal programs to the States and are eager to accept our responsibility for administering those programs that are worthy and of benefit to the people of Maine, again proving that government closest to the people is the most efficiently run, providing better service at the least cost to the taxpayer.
Because we believe this exciting philosophy of the 80’s will lead our State and Nation confidently into the 21st century, we present this platform as an expression of our commitment to represent the people of Maine with vigor, enthusiasm, and innovative thinking.
The Maine Republican Party fully supports President Ronald Reagan in his efforts to reduce the growth of government spending and taxation and his call for an amendment to the Constitution requiring a balanced Federal Budget.
1. Business Climate: We believe that free enterprise is the backbone of a sound economic system. Jobs for Maine workers can be increased, both in quantity and quality, only through a healthy and expanding economy. Priority must be given to creating a more favorable business climate here in the State of Maine .
2. Workers Compensation: The present law should be revised to provide reasonable and equitable protection both for employees and employers.
3. Transportation: A good transportation system is necessary for economic growth in the State of Maine . We support the continued development of air, rail, and sea facilities. The cost of maintenance of primary and secondary roads should be financed by a dedicated user fund system and the burden of maintenance of secondary roads should not be shifted to towns and cities.
4. Tax Policy: We support taxation policies which are uniform, fair and equitable to all taxpayers, and which encourage economic growth and development.
5. Promotion: We support an aggressive promotion of Maine industries, tourism, and products, and a program in cooperation with the private sector to encourage the development of new industrial and commercial opportunities.
6. Sound Money: We support the Reagan Administrations efforts to stabilize the United States monetary system, thereby controlling inflation and lowering interest rates and restoring economic vitality.
1. Conservation: We believe that the natural attributes of the State of Maine must be preserved while promotion the economic growth of our Pine Tree State. We believe in promoting coordinated utilization of various resources to assure compatible harvesting of Maine products.
2. Regulation: The Department of Environmental Protection should meet its statutory responsibilities in a reasonable, sensible, and timely manner.
3. Protection: A strong commitment to a conservative use of our nation’s natural resources. This commitment must include the maintenance of our National Parks, wilderness areas, and their protection from development. It should include the conservation of our energy resources, water and air resources and our nation’s soils and available land.
1. Government Responsibility: We believe it is the proper role of government to help those who are truly in need. We encourage work incentive programs.
2. Local Control: We believe that there would be less abuse of human service programs if they were administered at the local level. We believe that governmental agencies concerned with health care facilities should be limited to the regulation of health and safety standards.
1. Law Enforcement: We support cooperative efforts by all levels of law enforcement officers to combat crime. We support reforms in, and for, our jail facilities. We support penal reforms which provide rehabilitative work release programs and restitution for the victims of crimes.
2. Court System: We believe that swift and certain justice is one of the greatest deterrents to crime; therefore, we support the addition of enough judges to assure timely justice in all counties. To assure the greatest competency in the Judiciary, we support more reasonable compensation for these appointed or elected positions.
1. Shared Responsibility: We support the concept that education must be recognized as a joint effort involving family, school, community and State. Its purpose must be to develop fully the potential of each individual. Our schools should provide the best learning atmosphere possible, which must include a commitment to personal discipline and a respect for the property and rights of others.
2. Vocational Education: We support adequate funding for vocational educational education which recognizes the job-related needs of students and encourages cooperation by the business community.
1. Regulation: We support a better climate in Maine for businesses and workers through elimination of unnecessary regulations imposed by State government.
2. Mandated Programs: Local governments should have an effective say in State decisions which affect them. The legislature should fund any new State-mandated programs which local governments are required by law to provide.
3. Election Laws: We support a reasonable waiting period for voter registration.
4. Taxation: We support responsible State taxation policies to correct current practices. We urge consideration of carefully formulated tax cuts coupled with reduction in government spending to provide tax relief to the overburdened taxpayers of Maine .
5. Constitutional Form: We support our party’s namesake form of Government — Republican — as we work to restore control to our States, Counties, and Towns.
6. States Rights: The Republican Party of Maine endorses the concept of “New Federalism” which promotes local control of government and opposes dictatorial, centralized government.
7. Defense: We support the Presidents proposal for a verifiable zero option, on the deployment of nuclear weapons.
Source: Copy of the printed platform at the Maine State Law Library.