Seldom does a Republican convention meet under the shadow of the great sorrow incident to the loss of its leader. We mourn with the world the loss of Warren G. Harding, who so safely brought this country through the strife and turmoil of conflicting ideas and disturbed political and economic conditions following the World War into the ways of peace and order at home and into friendly relationship with all nations abroad.
We give thanks for the life of our late President, whose vision enabled America to lead the world in the first practical step toward world peace.
The Republican administration has put in more than three years of hard work, rigid economy, reduction of taxes, elimination of waste, enactment of constructive legislation, which has resulted in a revival of industrial activity, employment of wage-earners, and a general economic rehabilitation, which has given to our nation a sounder national prosperity than exists anywhere else in the world.
Through the enactment of the Budget law and strict economy the Interest-bearing public debt has been reduced $2,400,000,000, which cuts the annual interest charges over $1,000,000; routine expenditures of the government have been reduced more than $2,000,000,000 a year; the number of employees on the Federal pay roll has been reduced 100,000. In addition to the great service rendered our own citizens and the world through the results of the Disarmament conference which have lightened the burdens of all peoples, the Republican congress has taken definite steps to liquidate the great national debt to those, our soldiers of the World war, who, for us, have suffered physical impairment, and has appropriated for their benefit more than $1,250,000,000—a greater sum than has been appropriated for any other purpose except the payment of the public debt.
We go forward without fear. We unhesitatingly assume responsibility for the record of the Republican party. We favor every intelligent effort made in good faith to correct abuses in government and to punish unfaithful public servants, but we unsparingly condemn both the motives and the methods of those who, in the name of investigation, are attempting to assassinate character and to impair confidence in government and public men.
We record our belief that when our standard fell from the lifeless hand of President Harding, it could have been carried forward by no more worthy successor than our present Chief Executive. We commend his exceptional intelligence, his calm courage, his singular self control, and that combination of simple living and straight thinking, which are the best things in American character.
In keeping faith with the people the Republican congress by the tax law enacted in 1921 reduced Federal income and so-called nuisance taxes $2,000,000,000. Further tax reduction has been proposed and legislation to that end is in process of enactment. The Republican party in Maine advocates the enactment of a Federal law which shall embody the principles of the bill proposed by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon.
We declare for the strict and impartial enforcement of all laws. Including the Eighteenth amendment and the laws enacted pursuant thereto in state and nation.
The administration of State affairs during the past two years has the unqualified endorsement of the Republican party and we believe of all people of the State. Essential public improvements have been obtained at minimum cost; non-essentials have been eliminated; school advantages have been extended; the State’s program of welfare and health work has been maintained and enlarged; all with a careful economy and with the ultimate purpose of lightening and equalizing the burdens of taxation.
Reduction in Federal taxation brings small relief to the average citizen of Maine if State, City and Town taxes continue to increase. The State should point the way to lower taxes by strict economy in the expenditure of public funds.
We endorse the policy of the last Legislature in providing a more liberal policy in the construction of our third class and marketing roads, and recommend the continuance of the same. The State should continue the policy of building our State highways and bridges as fast as possible and provide funds therefor by a bond issue.
The Legislature should provide funds for maintenance of State roads, and for the extension and maintenance of our second and third class highways.
We pledge ourselves to aid in every legitimate way the development of our Agricultural Resources. We approve of our College of Agriculture, and Experiment Station.
We are cognizant of the fact that the regular consumption of wood by our mills and the destruction by fire and insects are depleting our forests. We favor increased protection from fire and insects and urge some measure for reforestation that shall be actually effective.
We recognize that the established policy of this State is to retain Maine ’s hydro-electric energy within the State for the use of our people and our industries.
We believe it is the function of the State to promote the welfare of its citizens by encouraging them to utilize its natural resources, under restrictions to provide for the conservation thereof. We believe the State should, by all proper means, encourage the early and full development of the Water Powers of Maine by private capital, while at same time protecting such interests as the State may have in the locations susceptible of such development.
The Republicans of Maine take a just pride in the development of its educational system from its beginning in the Primary grades to its culmination in the State University . Public funds cannot be better expended than in the extension and improvement of the facilities for the free education of all our youth.
While we recognize and commend the public service rendered by the numerous private institutions of learning within the State, we believe public funds devoted to education should be expended in support of the public schools to the exclusion of private institutions of learning except such as are the sole instrumentalities of furnishing high school education within the localities they serve and which are wholly under the supervision of the Commissioner of Education and as to these we recommend such legislation as may he necessary to restrict the aid which they receive to such as is fair and equitable and measured by their actual requirements.