The use of weapons in crimes and other violent acts varies with the acts involved. However, the proportion used in particular types (murder, robbery, etc.) has remained relatively constant in recent years. The reporting categories of “hands, fists, feet” dominate domestic assaults and aggravated assaults.
Guns were the most frequently used weapon in suicides from 2005 through 2009 at over 50%.* While only 19% of robberies from from 2007 to 2011 were committed with guns, the actual number of guns used was substantial.
While guns are involved in nearly half of all murders, knives and the “hands, fists, feet” categories account for almost 43% of all murders and non-negligent homicides.
*The 2005-2009 period was selected to be consistent with the latest suicide five-year statistical report.
Additional resources
Maine Department of Public Safety. Crime in Maine. Augusta, Me. various years.