Alewife Landings

Seagulls feasting on Alewives (2008)

Alewife landings crashed in 1981 and have yet to recover to any of the 1950-1980 levels.  While both the catch and value were depressed through 2000, more recent years have shown a rise in total value and price per pound. Latest data are preliminary. YEAR POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 3,165,600 3.1656 $28,294 $0.01…

American Eel Landings

American Eel Landings 1964-2016

Otherwise known as the Common Eel or Freshwater Eel, they range in size of up to 6 feet for females and up to 2 feet for males. Color is olive-green to brown on the back, with yellow-green on the sides and gray-white below. Adults leave freshwater for the ocean to spawn, changing color to black…

American Plaice Landings

Place price per pound 1950-2016

American Plaice had modest landings by commercial fishermen of one to two million pounds from 1950 through 1976.  It then jumped to six million per year that, with a few exceptions, was the minimum landing amount until 1995.  It then began to slip, again with a few exeptions, until landngs hit a six decade low…

Atlantic Pollock Landings

Pollock Price per Pound 1950-2016

From 1950 to about 1974, commercial fishermen saw relatively low total value and prices per pound when landing American Pollock.  Then the landings increased and so did the total value and the per pound price. As the big landings began to decline, the price per pound climbed to a range between $.60 and $.80.  With…

Atlantic Redfish

Redfish Price per Pound 1950-2016

The once substantial landings of Atlantic Redfish by commercial fishermen began a severe, and as yet unending, decline, in 1962.  The many years of landings exceeding 60 million pounds has ended, with recent catches well below 200,000 pounds. The higher prices per pound are undoubtedly little comfort to those who have few fish to sell.…

Atlantic Salmon Landings

Cultured Atlantic Salmon Production 1990-2010

  The following is abridged from Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife internet site at (accessed December 2, 2012) In Maine, Atlantic salmon were historically found in all major river systems and many of their tributaries with suitable spawning habitat. Today, they have disappeared from much of their historic range. In Maine they…

Bloodworm Harvests

Bloodworm Landings (1964-2016)

In the decade from 1964 through 1974, harvests were relatively high and total value was low.  Since then harvests had been lower and prices moderate until 2001 when values doubled and remained high through 2011. Bloodworms, often used as fish bait in commercial fisheries, are one of several marine worms found in Maine.   YEAR…

Blue Mussel Harvests

Blue Mussels Historical Landings 1950-2016

Prior to the mid-1970’s, blue mussel harvests in commercial fishing were relatively low.  Since then harvests appear to follow cycles, with higher yields in the late 1980’s, the mid-1990’s and the mid-2000’s.  Higher total values followed a similar trend.  “Whole pounds” in the table below refers to mussels in the shell, as does “price/lb.”  Mussel…

Casco Bay and Climate Change

Portland Sea Level Trend 1912-2015

Climate Trends In 2017 the University of Southern Maine, through USM Digital Commons, published “Casco Bay Climate Change Vulnerability Report.” It has been accessible at (accessed February 20, 2018). The following is a selection of its findings and conclusions. Temperature The Casco Bay region has experienced warmer summers; warmer winters; warmer waters; increased drought;…

Clam Harvests

Digging clams on the flats (2004)

While softshell clam landings by commercial fishermen are down from their peaks in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, the total value and price per pound have increased dramatically.  Some of the limits on clam harvests are a result of periodic closures of clam flats by the Maine Department of Marine Resources. Public health and water…

Cod Landings

Atlantic Cod Historical Landings 1950-2016

The amount and value of cod landngs by commercial fishermen spiked in 1991 to over 21 million pounds and over $16 million in total value.  Since then landings have dropped as sharply as they had increased in 1989 and 1990. YEAR LIVE POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 6,613,000 6.6 $304,150 $0.05 1951 5,292,800 5.3…

Crab Landings

Crab Landings 1950-2016

Included here are the folowing species: Cancer, Jonah, Rock, Spider, and others unspecified.  Since 1950 harvests in the range of one to three million pounds were the norm until a brief boom (2001-2007) changed things.  But recently the old range has returned, but will it last? YEAR POUNDS POUNDS (millions) VALUE PRICE/LB 1950 1,434,400 1.4…

Cusk Landings

Cusk Landings 1950-2016

After declining in the 1950’s and 1960’s, the landings of cusk by commercial fishermen rebounded, reaching a peak in 1985.  After another short decline, another peak appeared in 1993, followed by declining landings ever since. As the landings declined, the price per pound has increases, reaching more that $1.00 for the first time in 2008.…

Dogfish Landings

Dogfish Landings 1964-2015

After two closures since 1964, a productive skate fishery still eludes commercial fishermen in Maine. The trendline in the Price per Pound chart is not very informative due to the erratic nature of the landings.   YEAR POUNDS VALUE PRICE/LB 1964 225,173 $1,216 $0.01 1965 377,574 $2,332 $0.01 1966 572,394 $3,510 $0.01 1967 180,984 $1,060…

Elver Landings

Elver Landings 1994-2016

Elvers are young eels. According to the Maine Department of Marine Resources, “After spawning, the adult eels die. The eggs hatch after several days and develop into a larval stage (leptocephalus) which is shaped like a willow leaf. The larvae drift in the ocean for several months and then enter the Gulf Stream current to…

Fisheries, Commercial

Fishing Vessel, Cundy

In 1950, Maine had record seafood landings of 356,266,000 pounds without aquaculture. Maine ranked among the top seafood producing States. In 2009, the last year available for national seafood landings, Maine ranked 11th in pounds landed and 3rd in value. The preliminary 2010 landings were 251,299,375 pounds including aquaculture valued ex-vessel at $450,664,717, an average…

Haddock Landings

Haddock Price per Pound 1950-2016

After declining from 1950 through 1973, landings of haddock by commercial fishermen rebounded sharply to a peak of over 5 million pounds in 1983.  However, an equally sharp decline has left the fishery far from the heady days of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Since then, the price per pound has fluctuated in a…

Halibut Landings

Halibut Landings 1950-2016

The volume of halibut landings taken by commercial fishermen has never recovered from the relatively large numbers of the 1950s and 1960s.  Following some good years in the 1980s, landings dropped sharply and have yet to recover. The shortage of halibut has driven prices per pound to historic highs.   YEAR POUNDS VALUE PRICE/LB 1950…