Panoramic View of wind turbines from U.S. Route 1 in Brookton (2013)
Brookton is an unorganized township just south of Danforth on U.S. Route 1, one of its only two improved roads. The other, Forest City Road in the southeastern corner, passes by Brook Lake, half of which is in Brookton. A picnic area, just off the road on Brook Lake, has a hand-carry boat launch.
Wind turbines of the Stetson Wind Farm are visible in the panoramic view above. The turbines are located on Stetson Mountain in T8 R3 NBPP township just west of Brookton.
The post office attached to an elegant house is located at the junction of U.S. 1 and Forest City Road.
The two churches are on U.S. Route 1. Most of the large Baskahegan Lake is within Brookton’s boundaries. Several dirt roads provide access to its coves and shorelines.