Lily Bay Township

Lily Bay from Lily Bay Road in Lily Bay Township (2019)

The township lies just north of Lily Bay State Park and Campground in Beaver Cove on the shore of Moosehead Lake’s Lily Bay. Lily Bay Road, the only improved road, runs inland and northwest to Kokadjo Village and First Roach Pond, both of which are in Frenchtown Township. The northern part of the township is a…


Michael Stream on the West Side of Long Falls Dam Road in Lexington (2013)

This township in Somerset County is on the Long Falls Dam Road leading to Flagstaff Lake in Dead River Township. There is virtually no village area. The small community and Highland Plantation to the north have joined forces to create a common fire department. Happy Horseshoe Campground, on the Dam Road, caters to camper-trailers, providing…