Elections, President Results

Presidential Elections 1828-2016

Here are the results of presidential elections in Maine since 1824. Party abbreviations under “Other”: SL=Socialist Labor; C=Communist; SLC=Socialist Labor and Communist (totals combined); ND=National Democrat; IND=Independence; ST=Single Tax. The various early “parties” came and went rather frequently in the nineteenth century.  Some were simply vehicles for individuals or specific causes. Number Percent Number Percent…

Elections, Governor Results

Elections for governor were initially held annually. In 1880, a two-year term was introduced and lasted through 1958, when four-year terms were instituted. (See election procedures.) The tables below report the election year, votes for Democrats, Republicans, and the next largest vote getting party. Percentages are given for Democrats, Republicans, and the next largest vote-getting…


 If the fire engines are parked outside on a weekday, you can be pretty sure they’re voting inside. . . . Voting in Maine is fun. It is neighborly. It is seeing people, and swapping news, as well as being a citizen, choosing a president. Bill Caldewll–1977.   Elections at the state level for office…