
Marina in East Boothbay (2007)

includes Damariscove Island, an early fishing outpost, providing critical food (fish) to the starving Pilgrims. Harvesting the sea is still a significant occupation. Now the Boothbay region is a center of summer tourist activity, with the Boothbay Playhouse and the Railroad Museum. See photos and video.

Blue Hill

Blue Hill Birdseye View 1896

Settled in 1762, its name derives from Blue Hill just north of the town’s main settlement. Blue Hill Falls and East Blue Hill are other settlements. Jonathan Fisher House, on the National Register of Historic Places, is one of the town’s major assets. Blue Hill was the original site in 1986 of Northeast Historic Film.


From an article by George Matula Wildlife Biologist, Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Physical Characteristics The Wild Turkey is North America’s largest upland game bird. Average adult hens weigh between 8 – 12 lb. and adult toms (males) between 10 – 20 lb., but a large tom can weigh in excess of 25 lb.…

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

The Tufted Titmouse is a bird found in the southern half of Maine year-round.  Nationally, its range is essentially east of the Mississippi River. Slate gray with a white belly and a rusty area below the wings, the male, female and young Titmouse share the same color and appearance. It nests in holes in trees,…

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow at the Viles Arboretum (2002)

The Tree Swallow remains in Maine, along the coast, near freshwater ponds, and in agricultural fields, during the summer.  Thereafter, as with many other birds, it migrates to to southern coastal states, Mexico and Central America. This one apparently decided to take up residence in one of the bird boxes provided in an open field…