Damariscove Island

Map Showing the location of Damariscove Island. Green areas are unorganized territories.

Just south of Booth Bay, the island was one of the earliest places along the Maine coast inhabited by Europeans. Even before the Pilgrim’s Mayflower arrived, fishermen from England, France, Spain and Holland caught and dried cod, which was shipped to Europe. By 1605 the English were fishing near the island. In 1622 when the…

Seguin Island

Seguin Island Light Station (2000)

Some uncertainty exists about the meaning of the famous island’s name of “Seguin” or “Satquin” according to Eckstorm. One explanation is that “From the east it does resemble a tortoise, whence evidently its name from the Indian, che-quen-ocks, called Siguenoc.” Another view is that it means “alone out to sea” from the Algonquin segunau. Yet…