Dogfish Landings

Dogfish Landings 1964-2015

After two closures since 1964, a productive skate fishery still eludes commercial fishermen in Maine. The trendline in the Price per Pound chart is not very informative due to the erratic nature of the landings.   YEAR POUNDS VALUE PRICE/LB 1964 225,173 $1,216 $0.01 1965 377,574 $2,332 $0.01 1966 572,394 $3,510 $0.01 1967 180,984 $1,060…

Skate Landings

Skate Landings 1973-2011

Since 1973 the commercial fishery for skate had two, short lived, peaks.  It  has yet to recover from the decline that began in 1995.  The return had been modest at best, reaching $.25 per pound briefly. No landings were recorded from 2006 to 2009, and 2011-2016.   YEAR POUNDS VALUE PRICE/LB 1973 3,320 $268 $0.08…