Elections, Referenda

Wind Power Bond Issue (June 2010)

Votes on referenda since 1911 Most items placed on issue ballots are referenda proposed by the legislature, and most of those are bond issues seeking authorization to borrow large amounts of money over 5, 10, 20 or more years. A small number are “people’s vetoes,” items placed on the ballot by citizen petition in an…

Elections, Initiatives

No on Resort Casino Sign, November, 2003

Votes on citizen initiatives since 1911 The state constitution allows citizens to place issues on the statewide ballot by petition. In its first thirty-seven years, only six initiated bills qualified to be placed on a ballot; only two passed. In the thirty-eight years since 1971, when initiatives returned to popularity, fifty-five initiatives have been presented…


 If the fire engines are parked outside on a weekday, you can be pretty sure they’re voting inside. . . . Voting in Maine is fun. It is neighborly. It is seeing people, and swapping news, as well as being a citizen, choosing a president. Bill Caldewll–1977.   Elections at the state level for office…