North Yarmouth

North Yarmouth’s rapidly growing community, nearly triplng its population since 1970, is within easy reach of Yarmouth, Brunswick, and the greater Portland area. King William’s War started here when Indians attacked the settlement in the late 1680’s.


Throughout its history Nobleboro remained a rural community, but because of nearby lakes, rivers, and seacoast, about 37% of its inhabitants are non-resident “summer people.” See photos. Damariscotta Lake is accessible and nearby Great Salt Bay is the state’s first marine shellfish protected area. Shipbuilding was once a major industry with twenty-six shipyards in town at the peak. Maine’s first recorded meteorite (and the second in the U.S.) arrived in 1823.


Meteorite from NASA

At one time or another, almost everyone in Maine has glimpsed a swift little streak of light dashing across the night sky. These are meteors, commonly called falling or shooting stars. Because they arrive at very high speeds – anywhere from 7 to 46 miles per second – they vaporize by air friction in a…