
The Village at the Harbor (2003)

ts name implies the great granite quarries, four of which were developed after 1870 and supplied material for many buildings in New York City and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Fishing and, increasingly, summer residences provide the mainstay of the local economy. Stonington consistently lands more lobsters than any other port in the State.


Potato Pickers (c. 1950)

I saw mountains of potatoes–oceans–more potatoes than you would think the world’s population could consume in a hundred years. –Steinbeck These girls, probably in the 1950’s, had been hand-picking potatoes, then carrying their baskets to the barrels. The small card, or “ticket” on each barrel identifies the picker by number. The number of completed barrels…


Most text from Jennifer Vashon, Wildlife Biologist.  Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Images, video and supplemental text by Jim Henderson. Along with Moose, the Encyclopedia features 15,000 images of lakes, farm buildings, barns, farmhouses, villages, cities, mountains, rivers,   Did You Know… ♦ A lactating cow has the highest nutritional requirements of any moose…

Aroostook County

Map of Maine Counties and Baxter Park

the “rooftop of Maine,” John Steinbeck. This northernmost county, known as “the County,” is the state’s largest, established in 1839, during the “Aroostook War.” Famed for its potato growing, the County’s premiere crop has declined steadily, as has its population. Nevertheless, agriculture still dominates the County’s economy and its culture.