2014 Maine Republican Platform

Ratified by The Maine Republican State Convention, April 25, 2014

Generations of Americans have fought to preserve the Republic, our freedoms, and the American way of life. We appreciate and honor the service of active duty and reserve military, veterans, fire fighters, police officers, sheriffs, first responders and EMT’s, and all those who serve our state and nation. Today our constitutional republic is threatened by a failure to adhere to the principles put forth in our founding documents. It is only by restoring the principles of Liberty that we can prevent the moral and economic collapse currently unfolding.

I.  Accomplishments:

A. Enacted the largest tax cut in Maine history, cutting $150 million in the first 2 years and $500 million over 4 years for job creators and hard working Maine families.

B. Welfare

  1. Prevented an expansion of welfare which would have resulted in 70,000 more people on the welfare rolls;
  2. Terminated Maine’s status as a sanctuary state;
  3. Imposed a drug test requirement for welfare recipients convicted of drug crimes;
  4. Strengthened penalties for violations of welfare rules;
  5. Placed a 5-year cap on individuals receiving welfare benefits.

C. Budget

  1. Paid $500 million owed to Maine Hospitals for previous unpaid welfare debt;
  2. Reduced Maine’s unfunded pension liabilities by $1.7 billion (41%) to protect the benefits of our state workers;
  3. Proposed balanced budgets that did not include tax increases for hardworking Maine families.

D. Economic Development

  1. Hosted Red Tape Workshops across the state with over 1,000 job creators to streamline Maine’s burdensome regulatory system;
  2. While protecting our environment, passed regulatory reform ensuring Maine is business friendly;
  3. Passed free market health insurance reform, without government intervention, driving down the cost of health insurance for Maine families and businesses.

Through the above accomplishments, Maine’s unemployment rate decreased to the lowest level since 2008.

II.  This platform embraces principles and identifies actions to implement them.

A. We proclaim allegiance to the Constitutions of the United States (U.S.) and the State of Maine.

B. The Constitutions, both the U.S. and State of Maine, are the framework to which all legislation must adhere. Progressive principles are incompatible with the principles of The Republican Party of the State of Maine.

In order to define the specific policies encompassed by said constitutional principles, and to build on the previously stated accomplishments, be it resolved:

III.   The government of Maine exists to preserve and protect certain natural, inherent and inalienable rights endowed by our Creator for the benefit, protection and security of all citizens and future generations. To maintain this doctrine the U. S. and Maine Constitutions are the framework to which all legislation must conform:

A. Defend the individual’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Maine and U.S. Constitutions;

B. Defend states rights through support of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution;

C. Defend the sovereignty the United States.

IV. The strength of Maine and the United States lies with the rights and responsibilities of the individual:

A. The expression of religious faith must not be excluded from the public forum;

B. The profits of an individual’s efforts and accumulation of private property belong to the individual;

C. Support the assimilation of legal immigrants into Maine society;

D. Affirm English as the official language of the State of Maine.

V. Capitalism and the free market system encourages individual initiative and a prosperous economy:

A. Economic prosperity is achieved by promoting investment, stability, and a positive business climate;

B. Enact Right to Work laws that stimulate economic growth;

C. Health Care is best provided through free market solutions;

D.  Ownership of private property is fundamental to liberty and a strong economy;

E. Implement a comprehensive energy policy that removes government obstacles and reduces the cost of energy for Maine families and businesses.

VI. The most effective government is closest to the people and the least intrusive:

A. Federalization of the Maine Woods will not be tolerated;

B. Municipal Home Rule is to be encouraged and respected;

C. Maine’s colleges and universities should be marketplaces of ideas where any individual’s political and religious beliefs may be expressed and shall be respected;

D. Individuals are responsible for decisions affecting their lives and well-being;

E. Welfare is a safety-net for Maine’s most vulnerable;

F.   Support the restoration of local control in education as specified in the Maine Constitution;

  1. Parents have the right and responsibility to educate their children;
  2. The best academic opportunities are made possible through educational choice;
  3. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) must be re-evaluated with respet to local control, data mining of personal information, and curriculum; with emphasis upon eliminating Maine’s participation in CCSS, the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortia (SBAC) and P20 Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (P20 SLDS).

G.  Protect local food rights and policies;

H.  Ensure the integrity of the election process.

VII.  The family is the foundation and strength of a stable society; therefore the government should not interfere, but rather support and protect the integrity and rights of the family:

A.  Promote Family values;

B.   Marriage is defined as the union of one man and one woman;

C.   Parents – not government – are most capable and responsible to make decisions in the best interest of their minor children, including medical, disciplinary and educational decisions;

D.  We believe in the sanctity of human life – from conception to natural death;

E.  Discontinue using state taxes to fund abortion or activities that run counter to the sanctity of life:

F.   Support faith based family resources.

VIII. Fiscal restraint and accountability for all levels of government is paramount:

A.  Work to reduce spending at all levels of government, state, county and local to ensure fiscal stability and minimal debt for future generations;

B.   Through sound fiscal management reduce the Maine tax burden, including fees;

C.   Institute zero based budgeting in all programs and require the government and all agencies adhere to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

IX.    Moving forward Maine Republicans support the following initiatives:

A.  We encourage all Republican candidates to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and oppose any and all efforts to increase taxes and fees;

B.   Reduce the regulations and processes that are having a negative impact and placing undue burdens on private enterprise;

C.   Ensure environmental regulations are based upon sound science and recognize the value of Maine’s outdoor heritage;

D.  Conform the state tax code to the federal tax code to achieve fairness and equity;

E.  Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) and all initiated components;

F.   Mandatory minimum sentences to protect the innocent and the victims of crime;

G.  The Office of Program Evaluation & Government Accountability (OPEGA), Maine’s governmental oversight agency and its mission to achieve effective and efficient state government;

H.  All state quasi-government authorities must be held accountable to the state legislature and the governor;

I.    Legislation that requires photo identification to vote in the State of Maine;

J.    Secure the U.S. borders in accordance with current Federal law.

For too many years, Americans have trusted that our elected officials were working to protect and defend our interests. Without persistent vigilance by the people, this trust is often misplaced. It is therefore incumbent on all of us to stay informed and involved in the American experiment of self governance. Those of us who have united behind the Republican banner invite you to join us in this task and support the Republican candidates for office that uphold these values.


Source: http://www.mainegop.com/about/platform/ (accessed 9/26/14)