In this year 1984, in recognition of the unprecedented danger of nuclear war and in response to the severe erosion of national commitment to the principles of the Constitution under the Reagan Administration, we set forth the following priorities for directing the work of the Maine Democratic Party:

  1. We affirm that the threat of nuclear war is the foremost issue of our time and that the first responsibility of government, world-wide, is to end this threat through the negotiated reduction of nuclear armaments, with the ultimate goal of elimination
  2. We affirm that human development depends upon the planet Earth, and that the second responsibility of government is the maintenance and protection of a healthy planetary ecosystem.
  3. We affirm that the third responsibility of government is the promotion and protection of human rights, at home and abroad. We affirm the rights of the individual, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and urge the extension of these rights to women and men alike through the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and also urge the enforcement of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. We affirm the importance to society of equality of opportunity and the protection of those who, through the circumstance of birth and environment, are least able to provide for their own needs.
  4. We affirm the positive value of social, political and economic diversity at the local, national and international levels and the right of people at every level to define their own needs and pursue their own self-interest, with due regard to the rights of others.
  5. We condemn the Reagan Administration for its attack on these, our basic principles. We affirm the purpose of the Maine Democratic Party to promote these principles and to encourage the Democratic participation of all individuals in the political decisions which most affect their lives.
    We assert that the Reagan Administration has brought the world closer to nuclear annihilation through its policy of arms buildup and its recourse to military force in preference to diplomacy; has threatened national security and weakened the economy by the distorted promotion of the military sector at the expense of a broad economic base; has subverted the ability of government to protect the disadvantaged; and has undermined needed environmental protection and promoted short-term economic gain at the expense of long-term stability.
  6. We affirm the purpose of the Maine Democratic Party to promote these principles and to encourage Democratic participation of all individuals in the political decisions which most affect their lives.

Chapter 1 Foreign Policy and National Defense

Goals and Purposes

The heart of the United States foreign policy must become the promotion of Democratic and human rights. We demand the commitment of the United States to the resolution of conflicts through diplomatic means and executive level negotiations. Should diplomacy fail, our nation must be adequately prepared to defend itself through conventional forces as well as through deterrence.

We oppose the Reagan Administration’s policy of “seeking peace” by relying primarily on military force and the creation, deployment and threat of first strike nuclear weapons. Not all conflicts should be viewed simply as part of a larger U.S. -Soviet power struggle.

Section 1.1 Foreign Policy

Middle East – Central America – South Africa

We support the use of imaginative peaceful and diplomatic means to help resolve problems in troubled areas of the world such as the Middle East, Central America and South Africa. We demand the removal of our military forces and an end to covert aid and military aid in Central America. We demand an end to aid to the government of South Africa.

1a. NICARAGUA We oppose all aid to the Contras or CIA covert/overt action against the people and government of Nicaragua.

1b. HONDURAS We oppose military intervention in Central America including military exercises and bases in Honduras.

1c. GUATEMALA AND EL SALVADOR We oppose military aid to Guatemala and EL Salvador.

1d. HUMANITARIAN AID We support a negotiated settlement between all parties in EL Salvador. We support the resumption of humanitarian aid for the reconstruction of Nicaragua following negotiated non-aggression pacts between the U.S. and Nicaragua and its neighbors.

United Nations

2. The United Nations must be made an effective diplomatic and peacekeeping vehicle for the resolution of international conflicts. We should use our moral leadership and political and economic strength to support the United Nations peace-keeping capabilities.

Weapons Exportation

3. We urge the federal government to prohibit the exportation of nuclear, chemical, and biological agents, materials and manufacturing technology. We support the use of U.S. influence to prevent proliferation of these weapons by other governments.

Section 1.2 National Defense


1. We support an immediate, mutual, Verifiable freeze on the development, testing, production and deployment of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, and endorse the goal of universal, verifiable nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear First Strikes

2. As a powerful weapon for peace, we urge that the United States government and other nuclear nations join in ruling out the use of Nuclear first strikes.

Weapons Systems

3. While recognizing the need for an adequate conventional defense, we oppose the development production of the MX missile, the B-1 Bomber, new submarines carrying nuclear weapons, the Neutron Bomb, weapons in space, and all chemical and biological weapons.

Missiles in Europe

4. We call for the removal of the Pershing II and Cruise Missiles now deployed in Europe.

Draft Registration

5. We urge the repeal of peace time registration for a military draft since registration is sexist, ageist, unfair, futile in the age of nuclear warfare, unnecessary, impossible to adequately enforce, and conducive to adventurism and/or interventionist actions abroad.

Chapter 2 Economic Development

Goals and Purposes

The Maine Democratic Party recognizes that Maine’s human resources are essential to a strong economy. We are committed to a balanced economic growth that utilizes the natural and human resources of each region including tourism to attract, assist and develop new enterprises that will ensure each region’s continued economic development. We support a well-maintained infrastructure, and equitable system of taxation for the economic benefit of Maine, and all prudent steps necessary for a AAA bond rating.

Section 2.1 State Issues

Pension Fund Use

1. We support the efforts of workers to gain greater control over their pension funds and urge those pension funds be invested in the economic development of Maine.

Bank’s Use of State Funds

2. We encourage the deposit of State Government revenues in banks that invest in Maine’s economic development. We support banking and financial regulations that favor small business loans.

State Development Office

3. We reaffirm our continuing commitment to economic progress-and justice for the people of Maine especially in rural areas through increased state funding of the State Development Office to provide greater technical assistance to communities small businesses, cottage industries, and non-profit corporations for the creation and retention of jobs.

Transportation System

4. We support investment in a balanced transportation system to insure safe, energy-efficient access for all Maine consumers and producers to national markets, and preservation of transportation related jobs for Maine workers.

Section 2.2 National Issues

Balanced Budget

1. We call for steps towards a balanced budget in face of the record setting deficits under the Administration of Ronald Reagan. We favor establishing national budget priorities that the American people can clearly distinguish, so that the costs of government can be measured against its benefits.

We support more long-term planning of the federal investment to our national infrastructure and public facilities system.

Business-Labor Cooperation

2. We encourage a national effort at all levels of our government in joint cooperation with business and labor that would undertake to solve the major economic problems of our nation. We urge a strategy that would both modernize traditional industries and stimulate the creation of new industries.

Chapter 3 Natural Resources, Energy & the Environment

Goals and Purposes

The Maine Democratic Party recognizes that our state’s rich natural resources provide the foundation for a strong and healthy economy. We support increased state funding to ensure that resources are managed on a long-term sustained yield basis and that fragile and unique ecological areas are protected. Small scale and diversified agriculture, forestry and fisheries operations must be supported by state assistance for research, marketing, quality control and value added processing.

We recognize that the first and most vital step in the provision of energy is energy conservation, which should be the top priority of the state’s energy regulatory practice and state’s energy future through more efficient use of energy and the development of our abundant renewable resources including sun, wood, wind and water. The development of our energy resources must be conducted with care to protect the environment.

We recognize that human health is dependent on environmental health. We strongly support the enforcement of existing environmental regulations and increased funding for research into the effects of potentially hazardous materials and practices.

Section 3.1 Fisheries & Wildlife

We believe that state government, in conjunction with federal authorities, should work to improve the fish pier facilities in Maine and encourage opportunities for fish processing within the state. State government should develop more effective shell-fish conservation policies. An in-state coastal air search and rescue unit should be reinstated. The state mu6t provide adequate funding to protect Maine’s fish and wildlife resources.

Section 3.2 Agriculture

We support efforts to preserve Maine’s farmland and to promote sustainable, non-polluting agriculture as well as food self-sufficiency for the state. We endorse the “Maine Produces” marketing campaign and advocate a similar “Maine Produces –Organic” campaign. We take a stand with the more than 20 thousand citizens of Maine and greater than 2 million Americans engaged with hunger organizations, and commit ourselves to having the persistence of hunger eliminated from the planet by the turn of the century.

Section 3.3 Energy

We urge the Office of Energy Resources, in conjunction with the Public Utilities Commission and the Public Advocate, to develop an aggressive energy program to foster increased conservation, cogeneration and development of renewable energy resources to attain greater energy self-sufficiency, reduce dependence on imported oil, strengthen Maine’s economy, and create energy related jobs. This program should include mandatory energy building standards and encourage the retrofitting of existing structures. We oppose any efforts to require Maine’s electric ratepayer to bear the cost of the cancellation or construction delay of Seabrook I and II.

Section 3.4 Tidal Power

We support Senator Mitchell’s efforts to secure federal funding for detailed assessment of the potential effects of Canadian tidal power development upon the Maine coast.

Section 3.5 Acid Rain

We support the establishment of an Acid Rain Control Program which provides for the following:

1. A commitment to reduce SO2 (Sulfur dioxide) emissions nationwide by 50~ by 1990.

2. A significant interim reduction in SO2 emissions.

3. Appropriate reductions in NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) emissions.

4. Establishment of a joint United States/Canadian Acid Rain Control Program to achieve these objectives.

Section 3.6 Radioactive & Other Hazardous Waste

We demand that the federal government take the lead in developing programs to identify and regulate the use and disposal of hazardous and toxic materials and provide funding for toxic material “right to know” legislation and the “Toxic Bill of Rights” to protect community and worker health and safety. The Democrats of Maine pledge their energies, their resources, and their honor to see to it that no commercial power plant or military nuclear waste in any form, is permanently stored in the State.

We call upon our elected officials and their appointees to exercise every option to prevent the deposit of nuclear waste in the State including, if necessary, a direct legal challenge to the abandonment of responsibility for nuclear waste by the Federal government.

Section 3.7 The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Maine’s natural resources are an invaluable legacy, to be carefully guarded and treasured, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities are enjoyed by Maine citizens who recognize the need to escape the demands of an increasingly urbanized society and who realize the important part these activities played in our heritage. Each year thousands of visitors take advantage of the rich fish and wildlife resources that abound in our state, adding millions to the Maine economy. The importance of our fish and wildlife resources to ourselves and to future generations cannot be underestimated. Recognizing that these once abundant resources are already severely taxed, and that tile department of state government which is charged with the management and protection of these resources is under great financial strain from the ever increasing cost of fulfilling its duties, we are committed to adequately funding the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at a level that is necessary for the preservation of our fisheries and our wildlife for ourselves and our posterity.

Section 3.8 Forest Resource Management

We urge legislative and executive action to halt the aerial application of toxic chemical pesticides for forest resource management where biological or other silva-culture alternatives are available.

Chapter 4 Labor & Employment

Goals and Purposes

The Maine Democratic Party, as the “party of the working people”, stands on the following principles. All Maine people have a right to a job that provides fair wages at a government protected minimum wage adequate to provide for a family. Employers in Maine must offer employment and advancement without discrimination. Benefits to retired workers must keep pace with cost-of-living increases. All employees in the State of Maine should have the right to democracy in the workplace through representation by a union with full bargaining rights, including a “union shop” clause.

We support adequate funding for training programs to qualify Maine workers for job opportunities at a decent wage for each person able and seeking work.

The present Maine Workers Compensation system must be protected and improved by a State run Workers Compensation Fund.

Section 4.1 State Issues

Public Employees

1. We urge that the Maine Legislature pass and the Governor sign into law, legislation that will assure all public employees full rights to be involved in politics; that will grant to all employees who are denied the right to withhold their collective services the right to request arbitration which will be binding on all issues in controversy; that will assure all public employees the same broad scope of bargaining as is enjoyed by their brothers and sisters who work in the private sector. We support early retirement rights to all public employees who perform hazardous work.

Worker Security

2. We support strengthening Maine laws which provide improvement in work place safety, including the identification of and training in the use of hazardous and toxic substances in the workplace for all employees using or exposed to such substances. We demand that employers be required to provide adequate notice of and/or compensation during any plant closings.

Section 4.2 National Issues


1. We support government financed employment programs in cooperation with Industry to put America back to work now and improvement in unemployment compensation to aid those put out of work by the Reagan Administration. We reject planned recessions as a means of holding down wages, reducing workers’ bargaining power, and controlling inflation by stealing workers’ purchasing power.

We believe the Federal Government must put the principles of “fair trade” ahead of the long term goal of “free trade” and provide protection to American workers, farmers, and fisherman who are hurt by unfair foreign competition.

We demand an end to Federal programs and tax policies which promote the export of American dollars to create foreign jobs which undermine the American worker.


2. We demand that the Federal Government reinstate the funds necessary for staffing and enforcement of all Federal health and safety laws.

Bankruptcy Code

3. We call for a major review and revision of Federal bankruptcy codes which allow for the unilateral subversion of labor agreements.

Chapter 5 Health, Housing and Human Services

Goals and Purposes

We as a society have an obligation to provide quality health, housing and Human services that promote both self-respect and maximum independence. Health care and other basic services must be available to all, regardless of ability to pay. We believe that there is a great need for continuous review of existing program goals and further need of research into new, more effective service delivery systems. We oppose any reduction in current services.

Section 5.1 State Issues

Medical Costs

1.a. We support the active participation of doctors and hospitals in curtailing the rising costs of medical service. We also urge more participation by insurors in cost containment. We urge the development of additional health maintenance organizations and other prepaid health care plans.

1.b. We support increased funding of preventive health programs including child health clinics, rural health center, health education programs and home based care.

Foster Children

2. We support a broadbased effort by the State government and the citizens of Maine to improve the lives of our too often neglected foster children.

Handicapped Children

3. We support clearly defined state policy of early and ongoing identification and intervention on behalf of children with special needs. We support a coordinated delivery system for services to handicapped children beginning at birth.

Day Care

We support subsidized comprehensive day care facilities and urge the development of after school care programs. We encourage the use of public school buildings for these purposes.


We support the improvement and expansion of the Maine Veterans Home and Maine Veterans Cemetery with proper funding.

Section 5.2 National Issues

Tax Relief

l. We urge the development of a mechanism to allow income tax relief for child care expenses incurred by individuals who do not normally itemize deductions.


2. We urge the reinstatement of the Bond Issue Authorization that provides funds for Maine State Housing Authority elderly and low income housing.


We urge the following:

3.a. Continued strong support for the Veterans Administration Center at Togus with emphasis on additional beds and out-reach activity.

3.b. Support for the Vietnam Veterans Centers at Bangor and Portland.

3.c. Passage of legislation to create rural health clinics under the V.A. for the Veterans of rural Maine.

3.d. Upgrade care of aging veteran population in Maine and step up activity in support of care and treatment of female veterans.

3.e. Support the creation of jobs and educational benefits for all veterans in the Pine Tree State.

3.f. Emphasis on special role of Veterans in the nation.

Chapter 6 Justice & Equal Rights

Goals and Purposes

We are committed to the principle that all persons are equal. Under the laws in a fair society the government must share responsibility for the care of tile disadvantaged.

We encourage the promotion of economic opportunities for all persons. We are particularly concerned with the degree of discrimination that still exists against women, handicapped, elderly and other minorities based on race, color and sexual preference. We are concerned that the impact of discrimination continues to be felt in the areas of health and education. We support programs that provide equal educational opportunity, adequate medical care and sufficient nutritional resources.

Section 6.1 State & National Issues


1. We support the Equal Rights Amendment to the Maine and United States Constitutions.


2. We believe that birth control and abortion are matters of personal conscience, they should be available regardless of income, and should not be regulated by government.

Domestic Violence Shelters

3. We support funding for shelters for victims of domestic violence and call for vigorous enforcement of current laws relating to child and elderly abuse and domestic violence.

Equal Pay

4. We support equal pay for comparable work.

Legal Services for Poor

5. We support funding for the continuation of legal services for the poor and the elderly to promote equal justice under the law.

Court System

6. We support court reorganization that promotes speedy, fair trials that are responsive to the needs of jurors, witnesses and victims.

Maine Human Rights Act

7. We support inclusion of the term “sexual or affectional orientation” in the Maine Human Rights Act.

Chapter 7 Education and Cultural Affairs

Goals and Purposes

The present crisis in education represents an enormous opportunity for the people of Maine and the United States. Our re-awakened concern demands foresight, unselfishness, and high purpose. The security of our country and of all nations in a technologically advanced and culturally diverse world lies not ill might, but in mind.

Schools reflect community values. They must also prepare children for the unimaginable future. Parents and politicians share a responsibility to re-think educational assumptions and to survive, we must balance technological advance with growth in wisdom. Schools that nurture the whole person will more successfully bridge the gap between the need for discipline and the need for growth.

Section 7.1 State Issues

Excellence in Education

1. Funding for education must be on the basis of the need for excellence, rather than economy.

Teaching Standards

2. High educational standards require teaching of high quality. Maine must promote incentives to secure and maintain, exemplary teaching. Incentives should include better pay and greater autonomy. Educational standards should be maintained by community oversight programs.

Effective Curricula

3. The state must promote more effective public school curricula, challenging enough to prepare students for leadership in an increasingly complex world, yet flexible enough to provide all students with equal and appropriate opportunities for personal growth.

Community Learning Centers

4. Advances in computer, video and other technologies, together with recent trends in de-urbanization, make. new patterns of education and work inevitable. To maintain a balance between technological training and the humanities, schools, libraries, and museums should cooperate to form an integrated network of community learning centers. The Democratic Party should take the lead in fostering state initiatives in this area.


5. Resolved that the State of Maine support and fund the arts and Maine Arts’ Groups ‘who provide employment for Maine artists’.

Section 7.2 National Issues

Federal Funding to Education

1. The federal government must provide substantial assistance to states undertaking a major effort to improve teacher education.

Student Loans

2. The federal government must reinstate loan and scholarship support for post-secondary studies, with managerial improvements sufficient to assure fiscal accountability.

Solomon Amendment

3. We believe the Solomon Amendment should be repealed. It violates the right of equal protection under the law of low-income male students, for it is only they that must certify that they have registered for the draft before they are eligible to receive federal financial aid for post-secondary education.

Chapter 8 Government Organizational & Public Finance

Goals and Purposes

The Maine Democratic Party supports open, effective and efficient government. Government must always recognize the rights and dignity of the individuals whom it serves.

Government must be funded through an equitable system of taxation, based primarily upon the ability to pay.

We are deeply concerned by the economic and social costs of the astronomical Federal budget deficit. These costs are unsupportable burdens on ourselves and future generations.

We urge members of Congress to act with fiscal responsibility raising taxes equitably when necessary, with the emphasis in spending on human rather than military needs.

Section 8.1 National Issues

Peaceful Uses

1. Government should encourage the conversion of some of the military industries to ones with socially useful purposes. The diversion of military spending to such things as housing, transportation and renewable energy sources would produce more employment, strengthen our economy, produce increased revenues and thus reduce the deficit.

Tax Structure

2. We call for a major review, revision and simplification of the Federal tax structure. Taxation should be on the basis of the ability to pay. Tax loopholes for large corporations and wealthy individuals should be eliminated.

Waste in Federal Government

3., Waste in Federal Government must be drastically reduced through improved and stringent oversight procedures.

Federal Deficits

4. While we oppose a balanced budget amendment, we advocate major efforts to reduce the deficit and eventually balance the budget.

Source: publication by the Maine Democratic Party in 1984 of the Democratic Party Platform, the Party Rules, and the State Committee By-Laws. Address on the document: 2 Central Plaza, Augusta, Maine.

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