The Democrats of Maine in convention assembled adopted the following platform:

Under the Divine guidance of Almighty God, we pledge our all to this Country’s united war effort in whatever task is our own.

We pledge our allegiance to the world leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and urge upon Congress to provide for all who are in our country’s service every facility possible to hasten ultimate victory.

We urge protection for our civilian population, especially in exposed areas such as our own State.

Recognizing as we do that America won the last war, that President Woodrow Wilson placed the treaty of Versailles before the Senate of the United States, and that the Republican isolationists defeated its ratification, thus enabling Germany to rearm under Hitler, who has turned the world into an orgy of blood and human misery, we the Democrats of Maine, urge that we not only must win this war under the superb leadership of President Roosevelt, but also must win the peace which follows by putting into effect the world principles of Woodrow Wilson.

In the light of experience, let it be known that in this war, we are fighting for an enduring world peace.


We reiterate our stand for the 40 hour week and its present retention as upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States


As a means to prevent inflation and for the protection of the laborer, farmer and small businessman, we advocate the immediate enactment of price control legislation.


Because of the ever-increasing burden of taxation occasioned by war expenditures, we believe the time can no longer be postponed for placing our own house in order, eliminating non-essential services, and reducing the cost of State government to the very minimum. We are sincere in our belief that this can best be accomplished by a Democratic administration here in the State of Maine


In this time of crisis, we reassert our faith in the principles of Democratic education to the end that the schools of Maine shall be kept strong for the days ahead. We believe that vocational training should be adopted and included in our high school curriculum and that it should be an accredited subject in both Class A and B high schools. We therefore believe in increased State aid for schools in order that there may be set up in Maine a salary scale with a definitely established minimum which will attract and hold teachers of ability and training.


With its unlimited acreage of fertile fields, Maine can definitely aid in the defense of America by the production of food. We hereby urge that all resources be utilized and complete cooperation extended the Federal government in its efforts to attain this end.


We again advocate, as we did in 1940, the forming of fishermen and lobstermen cooperatives.


Recognizing the value of the recreation industry to the State of Maine, we advocate that it be encouraged and fostered.


We advocate the enactment of legislation whereby the several towns and cities may, if the inhabitants of said towns or cities so vote, be authorized to set up a cash reserve for general purposes to provide for possible future emergencies.

Source: Bangor Daily News newspaper clipping. Maine State Law Library. (Errors in the text may have been made by the newspaper and not the Democratic Party.)

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