The Democratic party of Maine, through its duly elected representatives in State Convention assembled, invites public support to the following policies and principles:

(1) We declare that the important public duty of the day is the renewal of our faith in, and adherence to, the fundamental principles upon which our State and National governments were founded.

(2) It is the mission of Democracy to resist the drift away from the standards and safeguards of the Constitution and to restore government to its proper and legitimate scope and purpose.

(3) We stand for orderly government administered honestly, economically and efficiently and for enforcement of law realizing that the lives, liberty and property of our people can only be fully protected so long as laws are enforced and obeyed and constituted authorities respected.

(4) We stand for the maintenance of representative government and for the preservation of the principle of local self-government.

(5) We regard the primary objects of government to be: To establish justice, to promote the common welfare of the people and to secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty.

(6) We stand for government of, by and for the people, participated in by every citizen and administered for the benefit of all and denounce as vicious and dangerous any and all attempts to substitute therefor, government by oath-bound secret fraternities.

We stand for religious liberty and freedom of conscience and for entire separation of church and state. We declare that all men have a natural and inalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences and that there should be no subordination nor any preference of any one sect or denomination to another nor any discrimination in the selection of public servants between native born and naturalized citizens or between citizens of different religious beliefs or racial origin.

(7) We stand for the maintenance of our public school system but we recognize the right of parents to educate their children in private schools, at their own expense. Public funds should not be used in support of private schools excepting as the Legislature, from time to time, as the circumstances of the people may require, make appropriations in aid of academies, colleges and ;seminaries within the State and the State should reserve a reasonable measure of supervision over such expenditures.

(8) We stand for the industrial development of Maine. The development of our water powers by private capital should be encouraged and no restriction should be placed upon such development excepting such as are necessary to protect the people against unreasonable charges for service and such as will prevent the power from being diverted from use within the State.

(9) We stand for strict economy in public expenditures and for reduction of taxes. We demand an immediate and thorough revision of our tax laws based on the proposition that all property in Maine shall bear a fair share of the tax burdens, subject only to such exemptions in favor of property devoted to religious, educational and charitable purposes as are dictated by sound public policy.

(10) Maine has reached the turning point. During the next few decades our State must make real progress or go backward. For 60 years we have been standing still. We cannot continue to do so. The interests of our lumbermen, our farmers, our fishermen, our merchants, our manufacturers, our laborers, our transportation companies, our banks, our power companies; all of the various elements that make up our industrial life must be protected and safeguarded.

Our forests should be conserved and protected and the problem of reforestation should be seriously undertaken in order that Maine may not, in the future, be deprived of its important resource. The policy of supplying this State and especially the rural portions thereof with good roads should not be abandoned and the Democratic party pledges itself to the carrying out of that policy, in accordance with a reasonable expenditure of money and with a view to caring for the needs of those taxpayers who have contributed much toward and received little from the road building so far carried on by the State.

The progress of a State, in the last analysis, depends upon the thrift and industry, the ability and initiative, the character and conscience of its people. But government can aid in bringing about that measure of generally diffused prosperity which must prevail if progress is to obtain, while, on the contrary, it can do much to retard progress. It is our aim to make the government of Maine an agency which shall aid and encourage thrift, industry and initiative rather than a deterrent force constantly exerting a repressive influence and discouraging and preventing development.

(11) The Democratic party of Maine desires for this State the best government obtainable and pledges its candidates, if elected, to devote their time, energy and ability to the upbuilding of the State and to an administration of public affairs based upon law and order, honesty and fair dealing, a jealous regard for every right guaranteed to every citizen by our Constitution and a determination to make Maine a real factor and an important influence in the progressive life of our nation.

We call upon all citizens. regardless of party, who sympathize with the policies and principles herein set forth to unit with us in the coming campaign.

Delegates elected to the Democratic national convention were:

First district: Charles L. Donahue, Portland; John L. McCourt, Biddeford; Frank D, Blanchard, Lebanon

Alternates: Mrs. Lillian Odiorne, Brunswick; Thomas J. Flaherty, Portland; Thomas Vallee, Sanford.

Second district: C. Carl Moran, Rockland; L. J. Brann, Lewiston; Rev. I. T. Johnson, Bowdoinham.

Alternates: Lora H. Ford, Wakefield; Mrs. George B. MacMiniman, Rumford; Verne Riggs, Jay.

Third district: Fulton J. Redman, Ellsworth; W. R. Pattangall, Augusta; Oscar Dunbar, Jonesport.

Alternates: Carter B. C. Keene, Freedom; Cyrus T. Lawry, Fairfield; Edward Chase, Baring.

Fourth district: Charles W. Mullen, W. F. Curran, Bangor, and L. G. C. Brown, Milo.

Alternates, W. H. Waterhouse, Old Town, John S. WilIiams, Guilford; Thomas V. Doherty, Houlton.

The presidential electors nominated were Leslie Boynton, Jefferson; Leon 0. Tebbetts, mayor of Waterville; C. Wallace Harmon, Biddeford; Arthur B. Packard, Rockport; Obadiah Gardner, Rockland, and John H. McGee, Bangor.

Source: unidentified newspaper article in Maine State Law Library clippings file, dated March 30, 1920. (Errors in the text may have been made by the newspaper and not the Democratic Party.)

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