Test your assumptions underlying public policy in Maine. Choose the answer closest to your own, then check yourself below.

1. Percent of the Maine population in Fiscal Year 2010 that were State employees (in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial departments)
___ a) 1-4% b) 5-10% c) 11-15% d) 16-20% e) over 20%

2. Percent of the Maine non-farm workers in Fiscal Year 2010 that were State employees (in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial departments)
___ a) 1-4% b) 5-10% c) 11-15% d) 16-20% e) over 20%

3. Number of State Employees in Fiscal Year 2010 compared to the number in 1980
___ a) up 2,000; b) down 2,000; c) up 1000; d) down 1000; e) about the same

4. Amount of the State Budget’s General Fund obtained from corporate taxes in Fiscal Year 2010
___ a) less than 5% b) 5-10% c) 10-15% d) 15-20% e) more than 20%

5. Percent of the State’s FY 2010 General Fund expenditures that was budgeted for education – local and University of Maine
___ a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40% e) 50%

6. Change in the number of abortions in 2008 compared to the 1978-1994 average

___ a) up 50% b) up 35% c) unchanged d) down 35% e) down 50%


7. Trend of Maine students’ math scores on SAT tests, compared to all students, from 1980 through 2003:

a) started higher, but has dropped consistently
b) started lower, but has improved consistently
c) started higher, and remained about the same
d) started lower, and remained about the same

7. Growth of personal income in Maine, 1980-2002, compared to the US and to New England:

a) increased less than both
b) increased more than both
c) increased faster than New England but less than the US
d) increased faster than the US but less than New England
e) decreased while New England and the US increased

Answers to Conventional Wisdom Quiz

1. a) The proportion is about 1%, declining from 1.4% in 1980; the proportion of employees paid by Maine taxes (from the General Fund) is only 1/2 of one percent, fees and federal funds pay the balance.

2. a) The proportion in 2010 was about 2.3%, declining from 3.9% in 1980.

3. b) The 13,700 State employees on record in FY2010 was over 2,000 fewer (13.6% less) than the 1980 total of 15,851.

4. a) In 1982 it was 5.4%; in 2010 is was 4.4%.

5. b) This is the best choice; local schools, 17% and University of Maine, 3%

6. d) Is the best choice; the decline from 4,000 to 2,623 represents a drop of 34.4%.

6. a) In 1980 Maine students outranked all students by 1 point;

in 1994 they lagged by 16 points, in 2003 they lagged by 18 points

7. d) Maine personal income since 1980 Maine has lagged even further behind New England,

moving from 79% to 74%. However, it has closed the gap nationally, increasing from

83% to 90% of the national average.

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