State of Maine

County of Oxford

To Garland Bell, a Constable of the Town of Buckfield.


In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Buckfield, in said County, qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Buckfield Town Garage in said Town on the 17th day of March, 1978 at 11:30 in the forenoon, then and there to act on Articles 1 & 2. The polls will close at 7:30 in the afternoon and the Moderator will entertain a motion to recess the meeting until Saturday the 18th day of March 1978 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon at the Orlando J. Buck Auditorium, then and there to act on Articles 3 through 57.

Article 1 To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting.

Article 2 To select all necessary town officers as are required to be elected by Secret Ballot (MRSA Title 30, Sec. 2061) as amended. One Selectman for a term of three years, one Assessor for a term of three years, one Town Clerk for a term of one year, one Director of S.A.D. #39 for a term of two years, and one Director of S .A.D. #39 for a term of three years.

Article 3 To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate the sum of $15,448.14 and authorize the Selectmen to carry balances forward of $2,593.06 to pay the town officers and officials salaries and expenses for the ensuing year as follows:

Carry Forward Raise
Selectmen’s Salaries $750.00
Town Manager’s Salary 8,294.00
Town Manager’s Expenses 620.00
Fire Chief & Warden Salary 500.00
Election Officials Salaries 76.98 600.00
Medical Health Officer 100.00
Insurance 2,400.22 3,600.00
Assessor’s Expenses 115.86 984.14
2,593.06 15,448.14

Selectmen recommend raising $15,448.14 and carry balances forward of $2,593.06. Budget Committee recommends raising $15,448.14 and carry balances forward of $2,593.06.

Article 4 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for the salary of the Assessor for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend $1,600.

Budget Committee recommend $1,300.

Article 5 To see what sum of money the won will vote to raise or appropriate to pay the Office Clerk, Treasurer, & Secretary for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend $4,719.

Budget Committee recommends $4,290.

Article 6 To see if the town will vote to allow the Selectmen to appoint the Town Clerk for a three year period to be effective following the 1979 Annual Election.

Recommended by the Selectmen.

Article 7 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate as the town share of social security on the town officials and employees wages and salaries for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend raising $1,000 and carrying balance of $983.62.

Budget Committee recommends raising $677.37 and carrying balance of $983.62.

Article 8 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for unemployment compensation required by law.

Selectmen recommend raising $1,000.

Budget Committee recommends raising $1,000.

Article 9 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate to bond the Town Manager and Town Clerk/Treasurer for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend raising $130 and carry forward balance of $12.

Budget Committee recommends raising $130 and carry forward balance of $12.

Article 10 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for the Employees’ Hospitalization Program for only the direct hired employees of the town to provide minimum medical care and hospitalization.

Selectmen recommend raising $1,500 and carry balance of $203.50.

Budget Committee recommends raising $1,080.56 and carry balance of $203.50


Article 11 To see if the town will vote to fix December 15 as the date when taxes are due and payable and also to see if the town will fix a rate of three fourths percent per month or part thereof as interest to be charged on unpaid taxes retroactive to November 1, 1978.

Article 12 To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on behalf of the town, to sell and dispose of any real estate acquired by the town for non-payment of taxes thereon, or acquired by any other means, sale or sales to be sealed bids, advertised in advance by posting in three conspicuous places in town at least thirty days prior to the sale or sales and to execute municipal quit-claim deeds for such property except that the Selectmen may without auction or advertisement, sell to the person or persons to whom a property was taxed at the time the property was acquired by the town or to their heirs or assigns, such property and the amount of the accrued taxes, interest and costs and to execute and deliver therefore a municipal quit-claim deed for such property.


Article 13 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for interest on tax anticipation notes for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend raising $525.


Article 14 To see if the town will vote to appropriate all of the monies obtained from Excise Tax in the calendar year 1978 for the maintenance of town roads and bridges to be expended approximately as follows:

Tarred Roads $ 7,000

Untarred Roads 5,000

Tarring Roads 7,000

Cutting Bushes 1,000

Selectmen recommend holding the balances of $4,411.41 and using all excise tax monies.

Article 15 To see how much money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for repairing town roads.

Selectmen recommend raising $7,500 and carry balance forward of $7,507.86.

Budget Committee recommends raising $7,500 and carry forward $7,507.86.


Article 16 To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money to be placed in a special savings account to be held for future purchase of a fire truck.

Selectmen recommend $4,000.

Budget Committee took no action.

Article 17 To see if the town will vote to hold the unexpended balance of $88.00 for Civil Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend carrying the balance of $88.00.

Budget Committee recommends carrying balance of $88.00.

Article 18 To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money to pay the Assistant Fire Chiefs and Wardens.

Selectmen recommend raising $200.00.

Budget Committee recommends raising $200.00.


Article 19 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for Public Health Services for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend raising $50.00 and carry forward $86.00.

Budget Committee recommends raising $50.00 and carry forward $86.00.


Article 20 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for the support of the Town Poor.

Selectmen recommend raising $1,000 and carry forward $615.30.

Budget Committee recommends raising $1,000 and carry forward $615.30.


Article 21 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the 1978 income and the unexpended balance of income from the previous year of the John D. Long Trust for the support of the following municipal functions.

Zadoc Long Library $2,700

State Aid Road 2,196

Selectmen recommend appropriating $2,700 and carry balance forward of $153.14 for Library and appropriating $2,196 for State Aid Road.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $2,700 and carry balance of $153.14 forward for Library and appropriating $2,196 for State Aid Road.


Article 22 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for Cemetery Maintenance for 1978, except Buckfield-Damon, Lowell, & Turner Cemeteries.

Selectmen recommend raising $500 and carry balance of $296.59 forward.

Budget Committee recommends raising $500 and carry balance of $296.59.

Article 23 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise or appropriate for maintenance of the Lowell Cemetery of 1978.

Selectmen recommend raising $50.

Budget Committee recommends raising $50.

Article 24 To see if the town will vote to accept the following monies for Investment in the Cemetery Trust Fund to provide perpetual care of individual cemetery lots in the Buckfield-Damon Cemetery in accordance with wishes of donor.

James Warren (Roland Foster Lot) $200.00

Edna Bryant (J. Edwin Wood Lot) 200.00

Gilbert Tilton (Lot B2-15) 200.00

Lillian Tubbs 200.00

Gladys Higgins (Henry Buck Lot C3-3 and

Delmar Farrar Lot C3-2) 650.00


Article 25 Shall an Ordinance entitled “Regarding Clutter Around Homes” be enacted?


Ordinance regarding clutter around homes, Unsightly and Offensive Accumulations of Conditions.

(a) DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any machine, substance, unsightly accumulation or condition or situation upon lots, lands or property within the town, whether or not herein enumerated, which is physically annoying to persons of ordinary sensitiveness, or which may injure or injuriously affect property in the immediate vicinity thereof, or which may occasion physical discomfort to persons, may be declared to be a public nuisance by the Selectmen, and thereafter abated and removed as herein provided.

(b) COMPLAINT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF HEARING. Upon complain to the Selectmen by any town official or department head of such accumulations of materials or such conditions, or upon receipt by the Selectmen or a petition signed by at least ten (10) real estate taxpayers of record, the Selectmen shall, be certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, give notice to the owner of the premises as shown upon the last tax rolls of the Town, and such mailing thereof shall be considered sufficient notice to the owner of such hearing, and such notice shall be given not less than five (5) days next prior to the date of the hearing as established by order of the Selectmen.

(d) HEARING PROCEDURE. At the time and place as designated by order of the Selectmen, the Selectmen shall hear and consider the complaints as rendered in subsection (b), and shall hear and consider the objections to the proposed findings, if any. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Selectmen shall, by order of Selectmen, find or not find that there is in fact a prevailing nuisance or such conditions as complained of. The hearing may be continued from time to time at the discretion of the Selectmen.


(e) ABATEMENT ORDER. Should the Selectmen find and pass such order that such condition complained of is a nuisance, then such order shall contain a directive and order to the owner thereof, as shown on the last tax roll of the town to abate the nuisance and condition within fifteen (15 days) from the date of the order of abatement, and the order shall further the town manager, through the proper agency of the town, to abate the nuisance or condition if same is not so abated by the owner thereof within the fifteen (15) days as ordered.

(f) RIGHT OF ENTRY AND REMOVAL. The Town manager, or his agents, is hereby expressly authorized to enter upon private property for the purpose of abating nuisances and conditions pursuant to the Selectmen order referred to in subsection (e) and the town manager, his agents or servants, shall abate such nuisances and conditions pursuant to the Selectmen order referred to in subsection (e) and the town manager, his agents or servants, shall abate such nuisances and conditions by having such materials and conditions removed from such premises and disposed of by the most practicable method.

(g) RECOVERY OF COST TO TOWN. The town manager shall keep an account of the cost of abatement in each given matter where the abatement was done by him or his agents. He shall submit to the Selectmen for confirmation an itemized written report showing such cost. A copy of this report shall be posted in the municipal building for a period of seven (7) days prior to its submission to the Selectmen, with a notice of the date and time of submission. At the date and time fixed for receiving and considering the report, the Selectmen shall hear it and shall hear any objections of the property owners liable to be assessed for the abatement. The Selectmen may modify the report if it is deemed necessary and shall then confirm the report by order.

(h) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: LIEN. The cost of abatement constitutes a special assessment against that lot or parcel. After the assessment is made and confirmed, it is a lien on the lot or parcel.

(i) COST ASSESSMENT. After confirmation of a report, a certified copy of the same shall be filed with the Tax Assessor and Selectmen, and Tax Collector within seven (7) days after the report of the Town Manager -is confirmed by the Selectmen. The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those used for the same parcels, on the Assessor’s map book for the current year. The Assessor shall enter each assessment on the tax roll opposite the parcel of land. The amount Of the assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary municipal taxes. If delinquent, the amount is subject to the same penalties and procedures of foreclosure and sale provided for ordinary municipal taxes. As an alternative method, the Tax Collector, in his or her discretion, may collect the assessments without reference to the general taxes, by issuing separate bills and receipts for the assessments. Laws relating to the levy, collection and enforcement of taxes shall apply to such special assessment taxes.

(j) VIOLATION AND PENALTIES. Whenever the Selectmen, after the hearing, issue an order declaring that a nuisance exists, and after ordering the same to be abated by the owner of the property on which same is situated, no person shall refuse or fail to abate such nuisance within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice to abate issued by the Selectmen.

Article 26 To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to carry the following balances forward:

Closing Town Dump $2,000.00

Purchase of Truck 2,391.24

New Fire House 223.97

Equipment Operating Account 11,379.85

Highway Salaries 2,893.62

Labor & Materials on Town Owned Buildings 420.00

Article 27 To see if the town will vote to carry the unexpended amount of $5,500 forward for perambulation of town lines.

Selectmen recommend carrying $5,500 forward.

Budget Committee recommends carrying $5,500 forward.

Article 28 To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate $2,000 to be placed in a special savings account to be held and added to until the accumulation is sufficient to purchase land for a ball field and other recreational activity.

Selectmen make no recommendation.

Budget Committee does not recommend raising or appropriating $2,000.

Article 29 To see if the town will vote to appropriate from the Snowmobile Registration returns, a sum of money to be used by the Snowmobile Club to use in building and maintaining Snowmobile trails within the Town Limits.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $300 from refund.

Article 30 To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money for fuel and utilities at the Community Center.

Selectmen recommend a total of $400.

Budget Committee recommends raising $88.

Article 31 To see if the town will vote to raise a sum of money to pay for the 1977 Annual Audit.

Selectmen recommend raising $1,264.22.

Budget Committee recommends raising $1,264.22.


Article 32 To see if the town will vote to appropriate $1,000 from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and authorize the Selectmen to carry forward the balance of $3,541.72 for the General Administration Account involved in the management of the town affairs for the ensuing year. Selectmen recommend appropriating $1,000 from Federal Revenue Sharing and holding balance of $3,541.72.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $1,000 from Federal Revenue Sharing and holding balance of $3,541.72.

Article 33 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for maintenance of the Town Garage & Fire Station Building.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $3,700 and carry balance of $629.65.

Budget Committee recommends $3,700 and carry balance forward of $629.65.

Article. 34To see if the town will vote to appropriate a sum of money from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund to purchase a Maintenance Tar Kettle for use on roads.

Selectmen recommend $5,000.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $5,000.

Article 35 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and transfer to the Highways and Bridges Account for Snow Removal and Sanding Roads for the ensuing year as supplemented by funds allocated by the State of Maine.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $12,000 and carrying balance forward of $8,036.23.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $12,000 and carrying the balance forward of $8,036.23.

Article 36 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and transfer to the Protection Account for Hydrant Rental from the Buckfield Village Corporation for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $2,000 and carry the balance forward of $330.

Budget Committee recommend appropriating $2,000 and carry balance forward $330.

Article 37 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for the support of the Hebron-Buckfield Rescue Unit for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $1,000.

Budget Committee recommend appropriating $1,000.

Article 38 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and transfer to the Protection Account for the operating expenses of the Fire Department for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $3,500.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $3,500.

Article 39 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for Streetlights and Floodlighting for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $1,700.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $1,700.

Article 40 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for the support of the girls & boys summer recreation program.

Selectmen recommend $200.

Budget Committee made no recommendation.

Article 41 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for Memorial Day expenses for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $200.

Budget Committee made no recommendation.

Article 42 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for Memorial Day expenses for the ensuing year.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $200.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $200.

Article 43 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund for the Town Dump Maintenance.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $4,380 and carrying balance of $281.71.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $4,380 and carrying balance of $281.71.


Article 44 To see if the town will vote to appropriate from Antirecession Funds the sum of $312 for fuel and utilities at the Community Center.

See Article 30 for Selectmen’s total recommendation.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $312.

Article 45 To see if the town will vote to appropriate $2,118 from the Antirecession Funds to improve the Community Center.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $2,118.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $312.

Article 46 To see what sum of money the town will vote to appropriate from the Antirecession Fund for the support of the Androscoggin Home Health Services.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $372.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $372.

Article 47 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the Antirecession Fund and transfer to the Highways & Bridges Account for Snow Removal and Sanding Roads for the ensuing year as supplemented by funds allocated by the State of Maine.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $5,000.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $5,000.

Article 48 To see if the town will vote to appropriate a sum of money from the Antirecession Fund to pay to the Androscoggin Valley Regional Planning Commission for the ensuing year.

Selectmen made no recommendation.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $100.

Article 49 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $382 from the Antirecession Fund for the support of Project Independence.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $382.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $382.

Article 50 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $100 from the Antirecession Fund for Oxford County Community Services.

Selectmen made no recommendation.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $100.

Article 51 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $200 from the Antirecession Fund for Tri County Mental Health.

Selectmen recommends appropriating $200.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $200.

Article 52 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $25 from the Antirecession Fund for the Maine Association Conservation Commission.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $25.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $25.

Article 53 To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $100 from the Antirecession Fund for Public Television Station W.C.B.B. Channel 10.

Selectmen recommend appropriating $100 and carry balance of $100.

Budget Committee recommends appropriating $100 and carrying balance of $100.

Article 54 To see if the town will vote to allow the Selectmen to use the unexpended balance of $825.46 (the balance of the funds from the library and entrance account) for insulating the Zadoc Long Library.

Selectmen recommend using balance of $825.46 for insulating the library.

Article 55 To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money to build a new roof on Fire Station/Town Office Building.

Selectmen recommend raising $4,500.

Article 56 To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to use the April and July Antirecession payments for Highway Salaries.

Selectmen recommend.

Article 57 To see if the town will vote that the Town Clerks fees accrue to the town and be credited to the Administration Account.

Notice is hereby given that the Registrar of Voters will be at the Buckfield Town Garage at 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon for the purpose of receiving applications of persons claiming the right to have their names entered upon the voting list, and to revise and correct the list of voters.

Given unto our hands this 16th day of February A.D. 1978.

Bradley G. Griffith

Leland G. Jack

Garland G. Bell


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