


To P. B. McPhee, Constable of the Town of Boothbay Harbor, in said County of Lincoln:

In the name of the State of Maine, yon are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to meet in the Town Hall, Pythian Opera House in said Town, on Monday, the second day of March, 1931, at nine o’clock in the forenoon, to act on the following articles, viz:

Art. 1. To choose a moderator to preside.

Art. 2. To choose a clerk for the ensuing year.

Art. 3. To act on the report of Supt. of Schools, Water Commissioners, of Selectmen, of Assessors, of Overseers of the Poor and of Auditor.

Art. 4. To elect all necessary Town Officers for ensuing year.

Art. 5. To provide a town hall for the ensuing year and raise money for the same.

Art. 6. To raise money to pay town officers.

Art. 7. To raise money for abatements.

Art. 8. To raise money for Memorial Day.

Art. 9. To raise money for snow bills for the ensuing year.

Art. 10. To raise money for contingent expenses for the ensuing year.

Art. 11. To raise money for street lights.

Art. 1 2. To raise money for public schools.

Art. 13. To raise money for high schools.

Art. 14. To raise money for text books and supplies.

Art. 15. To raise money for repairs on school buildings, insurance and equipment.

Art. 16. To raise money for expenses of fire department.

Art. 17. To raise money for roads, bridges and tending draw. Transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 18. To raise money to pay interest on notes and bonds.

Art. 19. To raise money for rebate to Bayville and Isle of Springs.

Art. 20. To raise money for free public library.

Art. 21. To raise money for sidewalks.

Art. 22. To raise money for mother’s aid.

Art. 23. To raise money for patrolman.

Art. 24. To raise money for support of poor.

Art. 25. To raise money for street cleaner.

Art. 26. To raise money for public landing.

Art. 27. To raise money for police.

Art. 28. To raise money for medical inspection.

Art. 29. To raise money for tar roads.

Art. 30. To see what arrangements the town will make for a town office and raise money for same.

Art. 31. To raise money for traffic officer.

Art. 32. To elect the necessary trustees for the free public library.

Art. 33. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $500.00 to pay Memorial Library bond becoming due in 1931.

Art. 34. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $1000.00 to pay High School bond becoming due in 1931.

Art. 35. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $2000.00 to pay the part of Pumper note becoming due in 1931.

Art. 36. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $1000.00 to pay Townsend Avenue note becoming due in 1931.

Art. 37. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $1000.00 to pay Foot Bridge Note becoming due in 1931.

Art. 38. To see if the town will vote Yes or no; on the question of appropriating and raising money necessary to entitle the town to state aid, as provided in section 19 of chapter 25 of the Revised Statutes of 1916.

Art. 39. To see what sum the town will appropriate and raise for the improvement of the section of state aid road as outlined in the report of the state highway commission, in addition to the amounts regularly raised for the care of ways, highways and bridges under the provisions of section 18, chapter 25, of the Revised Statutes of 1916, or under the provisions of section 21, chapter 25, R. S., amended by chapter 258, P. L., 1917.

Art. 40. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $604.80 to pay town of Southport on account of Southport Bridge.

Art. 41. To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen and treasurer to hire in anticipation of taxes such sums of money as may be needed for the year ensuing.

Art. 42. To see if the town will cooperate with the State in controlling the white pine blister rust in Boothbay Harbor and raise $100. for same. The State guarantees to add fifty per cent to the amount raised by the town, the total sum to be spent on eradication work.

Art. 43. To see if the town will vote to authorize the water commissioners and treasurer to pay or renew notes signed by the water commissioners and treasurer, outstanding against the town.

Art. 44. To raise money for 50-50 sidewalk.

Art. 45. To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise to pay for rent of rooms, and other necessary charges, for a rest room and to advertise our natural resources, advantages and attractions.

Art. 46. To see if the town will vote to employ an agent of the Eastern Steamship Lines, to take charge of the Rest Room and to perform all duties usually performed by the person usually having charge of said Rooms, and to allow such agent to sell tickets for said Steamboat Lines and by Bus Line to Boothbay Harbor, and to advertise Boothbay Harbor and methods of reaching the town. The salary of such agent to be one dollar per year, or for the season from June 15th to September 15th.

Art. 47. To see if the town will extend the water main on Campbell St., as far as Newbert Pierce residence and raise money for same.

Art. 48. To see what action the town will take relative to installing hydrant or hydrants on the new extension of the water main on Atlantic Avenue from plant of Neptune Packing Co. to residence of Minnie Foster and raise money for the same.

Art. 49. To see if the town will vote to install a hydrant opposite the home of T. J. Blossom and raise money for same.

Art. 50. To see if the town will vote to install a hydrant near residence of George Farnham and raise money for same.

Art. 51. To see if time town will vote to lay permanent pipes for water on Bay Street, as far as John Aulds. and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to execute the work.

Art. 52. To see if the town will vote to install a new 4-inch water main from Spruce Point to Squirrel Island and raise money for the same. Act or transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 53. To see if the town will vote to raise the necessary amount for hydrant rentals and fountains for the year 1931.

Art. 54. To act upon the report of the special committee appointed to investigate manual training and domestic science.

Art. 55. To see what action the town will take relative to an act introduced in the Eighty-fifth Legislature entitled “An Act to Incorporate the Spruce Point Association’’.

Art. 56. To see if the town will vote to give the Fire Department the free use of this hall for one night in the year.

Art. 57. To see if the town will vote to buy 1000 feet of double jacketed hose and raise the sum of $900. to pay for same. Act or transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 58. To see if the town will vote to recommend that the selectmen change the present regulations regarding the storing and handling of petroleum products, and recommend that the selectmen make regulations that will be in keeping with regulations or practice adopted by other towns and cities in this state, and to act and transact any other business in relation thereto.

Art. 59. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $1500. for repairing and graveling road leading from main highway to Juniper and McKown Points, $500. of this amount to be used in tarring same.

Art. 60. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $1000. to be expended on the road leading to Sawyer’s Island. Act or transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 61. To see if the town will vote to continue improving the road to Spruce Point and raise money for same.

Art. 62. To see if the town will raise the sum of $500. to build a permanent sidewalk on Howard Street. Act or transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 63. To see if the town will vote to continue the cement sidewalk along the north side of road leading from West Harbor and raise $800. for same.

Art. 64. To see if the town will vote to continue the permanent sidewalk leading from West Harbor, along the north side of the road, to connect with permanent walk near residence of Mrs. Barrett and raise the sum of $2250. for same.

Art. 65. To see if the town will vote to gravel the turning place at the end of Juniper Point road.

Art. 66. To see if the town will vote to cooperate with the towns of Boothbay and Southport for the publication and distribution of illustrated booklets advertising the Boothbay region and to raise the sum of $200. for same, the moneys raised to be expended under the direction of the booklet committee of the Civic Club of the Boothbay Harbor region.

Art. 67. To see what action the town will take relative to purchasing and improving a playground and athletic field and raise money for the same.

Art. 68. To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to purchase the I. R. Nickerson property at the corner of Oak Street and McKown Street at a price not exceeding $6,000. and to raise money for the same by note or otherwise.

Art. 69. To see if the town will raise $214.00 for school nursing in the town, under the auspices of the State Department of Health.

Art. 70. To see if the town will vote to lay out $2000. from the road appropriation in repairing the road beginning at the head of the cove leading over by the town farm. Act or transact any business relating thereto.

Art. 71. To see if the town will vote to put eleven 6000 candle power street lights on ornamental iron posts on east side of Townsend Avenue, in place of the present ten 250 C. P.., act or transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 72. To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $50. to be expended on Village Cemetery. Act or transact anything relating thereto.

Art. 73. To see if line town will authorize the water commissioners to hire, in anticipation of earnings of the Water System, such sums of money as may be needed for the ensuing year.

Art. 74. To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen and treasurer In hire such sums of money as may be needed for the payment of teachers’ payrolls after the books are closed for the year.

Art. 75. To see if the town will determine when the property tax shall be payable and what interest shall be collected thereafter.

Art. 76. To see what sum of money the town will vote to grant and raise to be expended and used for advertising the natural resources, advantages and attractions of the State of Maine.

Art. 77. To ascertain the vote of the town by written ballot to instruct the selectmen to employ a business man to do all the town business for the coming year, as far as the laws of the state allow, for the sum not exceeding $3000., including all clerk hire and expenses and raise money for the same: all town officers affected to serve without pay.

Art. 78. To see if the town will vote to pay F. E. Wilson and Elizabeth Wilson their bill for board of Frank Libby, a pauper who was on the town farm when they took charge of same, amount of bill $256.50, and raise money for the same.

Art. 79. To see if the town will vote to appoint a committee of three to lay a pipe from the spring in the pasture on the town farm to the dwelling house on the farm known as the ‘‘Home for the Poor”, and to install the bath rooms and flush closets voted at last annual meeting.

Art. 80. To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to make arrangements with the Central Maine Power Co. towards running a line of wire over to the town farm from the main line, and the necessary expenses, if any, to be taken from the poor account.

Art. 81. To see if the town will vote to install a street light near residence of Bion Lewis.

Art. 82. To see if the town will vote to install two street lights on Crest Avenue, between Atlantic Street and the residence of Harry Robinson.

Art. 83. To see if the town will vote to erect and maintain additional electric lights on Mt. Pisgah.

Art. 84. To see if the town will vote to install a street light on Williams Street near driveway to residence of Everett Williams.

Art. 85. To see if the town will vote to install an electric light on School Street near residence of Alpert Harrold.

Art. 86. To see if the town will install and maintain a street light on the pole in front of the Green Shutters property, nearly opposite the Beatley Cottage, on Mt. Pisgah.

Art. 87. To see if the town will vote to extend the street lights from F. E. Wilson’s to G. F. Larrabee’s.

Art. 88. To see if the town will vote to install four electric lights, beginning at Forrest Wilson’s residence, to Arthur Delano’s residence.

Art. 89. To see if the town will extend the water main from Forrest Wilson’s place to Lena Wylie’s residence.

Art. 90. To see if the town will vote to accept the bequest of three hundred dollars under the will of Isabella R. Nickerson, the principal to be placed at interest and the income to be used perpetually for the care of her two family lots in the Village Cemetery.

You are directed to serve this by publication in the Boothbay Register seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

The Selectmen will be in session in Town Office, Pythian Opera House, on Monday, March 2, 1931, at 8 o’clock A. M., for the purpose of correcting the voting list.

Hereof fail not and have you this warrant with your doings thereon at the above place and time.

Given under our hands this l8th day of February, A. D. 1931.




Selectmen of the Town of Boothbay Harbor.

A True Copy, Attest


Constable of the Town of Boothbay Harbor.

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