Kennebec, S.S.

To James L. Minot, a Constable in the Town of Belgrade, in the said County and State:


In the name of the State, you are hereby required to notify and warn inhabitants of the Town of Belgrade, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons, in said Town, Friday March 15th, 2002 at 7:45 a.m. to elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting, to elect Town Officers for the ensuing year(s) and to vote by secret ballot on Article 3. Polls are to be opened from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The inhabitants of the Town of Belgrade, qualified to vote in the Town affairs, are hereby also warned to assemble at the Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons, on Saturday, March 16th, 2002, at 1:00 P.M., to act on Article 4 to the end of the Warrant.

ARTICLE 1) To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting.

ARTICLE 2) To proceed with the voting, by secret ballot, as directed by statute, on the election of Town Officers for the ensuing year (s):

one Selectperson-three year term

one School Board Member-three year term

one Road Commissioner-one year term

one Sexton-one year term

ARTICLE 3) To proceed with the voting, by secret ballot, on the following question:

Shall an ordinance entitled “Town of Belgrade False Alarm Ordinance” be enacted?


ARTICLE 4) To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectpersons to spend an amount not to exceed one-fourth of the approved budget for 2002 between January 1, 2003 and the date of the regular 2003 Town Meeting.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 5) To see if the Town will accept donations and grants to support all municipal facilities, operations and programs over and above what has been raised and appropriated.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 6) To see if the Town will authorize the Selectpersons to contract for closure of the inactive Town pit in coordination with adjoining landowners, with the goal of converting the property to its highest potential value or use, on terms most favorable to the Town.

Statement of Purpose:

This authorization includes: seeking bids and contracting for services for permanent pit closure including removal of recoverable sand and gravel, disposition of stumps and brush, plus grading and revegetating finished slopes. Selectpersons may enter into agreements with one or more adjoining landowners for material removed along common property lines and to widen the entrance from Route 27. Selectpersons may spend for these purposes private funds contributed for pit closure and future receipts from contracted rights to mine recoverable sand and gravel from this property. Contracted operations will be conducted within surveyed physical limits and terms not to exceed five years. No mining will occur within 300 feet of Pine Grove Cemetery. Unexpended revenue from this project, if any, will revert to the Town’s General Fund. Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 7) To see if the Town will adopt a Resolution in support of the preservation of the very large White Pine trees on both sides of Route 11, just south of the Oakland/ Belgrade town line. These landmark trees, known as the Cathedral Pines and the Wishing Pines, have historical significance, and are a recognized “gateway” to this community.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 1 Against

ARTICLE 8) To see if the Town will accept the overdrafts and balances that have lapsed to the Undesignated Fund with overall impact of a plus $242,904.94, with $200,000.00 of this amount to be dedicated to reducing 2002 property taxes.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 9) To see if the Town will authorize the following accounts be carried forward to the current year:

Administration $ 3,300

Assessing & Review (Photos) $ 806

Planning/Appeals Board $ 2,511

Planning Board (Grant Match Article19-1999) $ 198

Growth Management $ 4,300

Civil Emergency $ 500

Constable (Kennebec County Sheriff) $ 3,000

Rescue $ 2,425

911 Service $ 5,000

Solid Waste (Ash Pile) $ 3,500

Cemeteries $ 1,664

Library $ 4,300

Dams $ 9,464

Total $ 40,968

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 10) To see if the Town will appropriate revenues from the following sources in 2002 to reduce the 2002 Property Tax Commitment:

Vehicle Excise Tax $ 445,000

License/Permit Fees $ 4,000

Town Fees $ 14,500

Boat Excise $ 15,500

Recycling Revenues $ 5,500

Interest & Cost Fees $ 15,000

Recreation Revenues $ 27,500

Total $ 527,000

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 11) To see if the Town will set Wednesday October 9, 2002 as the date that the 2002 property taxes are due, and charge interest at the rate of 6.75% per annum on taxes paid after October 9, 2002, with interest to continue until the tax and tax lien are paid in full.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 12) To see if the Town will set the interest rate to be paid by the Town on taxes paid and later abated at 4% per annum from the date of the tax payment to the date the abated amount is refunded to the taxpayer.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 13) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $7,405 to support Selectpersons salaries ($150/mo for Selectperson Chair-$100/mo for additional members), benefits, travel expenses, and fees.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 14) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $10,000 for the Board of Selectpersons to utilize as necessary to cope with emergency or unanticipated municipal expenses which require immediate attention.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 15) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $257,467 to support the costs associated with municipal operations and administrative activities. Itemized requirements are as follows: AREA OF EXPENSE AMOUNT Administration $ 172,662 (Town Office Operations & Maintenance- General Admin Operating Expenses- Admin Wages & Benefits) Town Manager (Salary $41,865) $ 52,768 Assessing/Review $ 22,900 Planning Board/Appeals $ 5,803 Growth Management $ 0 Hearings/Elections $ 3,334 Total $ 257,467

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 16) To see if the Town will vote to transfer $25,000 from the Community Capital Reserve Account to the Municipal Property Revaluation Reserve Account. The revaluation is scheduled to be completed by the year 2003 at an approximate cost of $100,000.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against


ARTICLE 17) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $1,140 to support constable and civil emergency requirements.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 18) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 to contract with Law Enforcement for coverage at critical locations and times.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 19) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $52,351 for Fire Department operations and maintenance of equipment.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 1 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 20) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000 for ten sets of replacement turn-out gear for firefighters.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 21) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 for the Fire Department Capital Reserve for future major equipment replacement.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 22) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $20,415 to support general operating costs and equipment acquisition for the Belgrade Rescue Squad.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 23) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the Rescue Capital Reserve Account for future equipment replacement.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 24) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $9,618 for the function of Code Enforcement.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 25) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $7,900 for the operation of municipal street lights.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 26) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate an additional $190.00 for the operation of a new street light on Route 27, located at the entrance to the Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 27) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate an additional $190.00 for the operation of a new street light on Red Oaks Lodge Road, approximately 350 feet in on the left hand side.

Selectpersons Recommend: 0 For/ 4 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 0 For/ 7 Against

ARTICLE 28) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate an additional $190.00 for the operation of a new street light at the corner of Routes 8 & 11 and Grandview Drive.

Selectpersons Recommend: 0 For/ 4 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 0 For/ 7 Against


ARTICLE 29) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $85,100 for general maintenance of Town Roads. Any unexpended balance will lapse back to the Public Works Road Maintenance and Paving Capital Reserve Account.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 30) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $20,000 to undertake major upgrades on the Dunn Road which will focus on, but not be limited to, the section between the Transfer Station and the Sandy Cove Rd.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 31) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $2,000 to support efforts and/or provide a match for a grant to mitigate hazardous trees on Town roadways.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 32) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $90,000 for resurfacing the following Town Roads, and give the Selectpersons authority to resurface and/or crackseal additional roadway within the total approved expenditure with any unexpended balance lapsing into the Public Works Road Maintenance and Paving Capital Reserve Account: Roads to be paved: West Rd.–1.3 miles (North end) Lakeshore Dr.–0.3 miles Dunn Rd.–300 yards Dunn Rd.–0.5 mile (Shimming of hill from Transfer Station to Sandy Cove Rd.)

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 33) To see if the Town will authorize the Selectpersons to use an amount not to exceed $20,000 from the Road Maintenance and Paving Capital Reserve account to reclaim approximately 1.3 miles on the north end of the West Road and approximately 500 feet on the Dunn Road.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 34) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sum of $243,628 for the purpose of plowing, sanding and salting Town and State-Aid roads in 2002.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 35) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $232,453 for Solid Waste Management related activities (includes Transfer Station & Recycling Center operation, transport fee, tipping fees, and equipment leasing) with any unexpended balance lapsing into the Solid Waste Capital Reserve.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 36) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $11,648 to support the general maintenance and upkeep of all municipal facilities. (Excluding the Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons).

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 37) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $4,800 for Landfill Closure maintenance, inspection, and testing requirements. These actions are specified by the 1993 State Closure Order for the Belgrade Sanitary Landfill.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against


ARTICLE 38) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $450 as compensation for the Health Officer.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against / 2 Absent

ARTICLE 39) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $300 as compensation to the Town Historian.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 40) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $6,120 to fund Animal Control Officer activities and provide a facility for the disposition of abandoned/stray cats and dogs.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 41) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $6,700 to administer the General Assistance Program.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 42) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $150 for the Memorial Day Ceremony and appoint an individual to organize an appropriate ceremony.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 43) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,836 for the Town’s portion of maintenance for Belgrade’s Cemeteries, and appropriate $17,500 from interest generated by Perpetual Care Trust Funds for the balance of the total requirement of $23,336. ($1,664 included as carry forward in Article 9)

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 44) To see if the Town will continue to allow Troop #453, Belgrade Boy Scouts of America to collect, bundle, and ship used newsprint both on and off Town property and to authorize the payments of proceeds from newspaper recycling to Boy Scout Troop #453 from revenues therefrom in support of its programs and activities. To the extent that any such collection, bundling, and shipping is done in collaboration with other Town recycling efforts, Troop #453 shall compensate the Town for its prorata share of related expenses.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent


ARTICLE 45) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $500 to help support the Mid-Maine Chapter of the American Red Cross.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 4 For/ 1 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 46) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $1,375 to help support the Family Violence Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of domestic violence victims.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 47) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $750 to help support Belgrade Lakes Region, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting business and recreation activities in the Belgrade Lakes area.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 48) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $2,041 to help support the operation of Senior Spectrum, Central Maine’s area agency on aging.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 49) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $7,500 to help support the operation of the Belgrade Regional Health Center.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 0 Against/ 2 Absent

ARTICLE 50) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $500 to help support the Kennebec Valley Community Action Program Transportation Services for 2001.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 51) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 to help support Hospice Volunteers of Kennebec Valley and Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 52) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $1,800 to help support the Children’s Center, a non-profit organization providing early intervention and family support programs for children with special needs.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 53) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,504 to help support the Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 54) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $450 to support the Kennebec Valley Community Action Program Child & Family Services (Head Start and Child Care Programs).

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 55) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $500 to support The Belgrade Community Preschool.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against


ARTICLE 56) To see if the Town will vote to increase the size of the Board of Parks and Recreation from 8 regular members and 2 alternates to 10 regular members and 2 alternates.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 57) To see if the Town will authorize the Selectpersons to seek bids for the purchase, set-up and installation of a generator for the Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons and to expend a sum not to exceed $15,000 for this purpose from the Recreation Capital Reserve account.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 1 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 5 For/ 2 Against

ARTICLE 58) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $3,075 for Recreation Facility operations (includes Long Pond Beach, Hayden Park and Peninsula Park).

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 59) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $3,095 to provide for the operation and upkeep of the North Belgrade Community Center.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 60) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $68,724 to cover the cost of operating the Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons, (including the Director’s wages).

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 61) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $42,264 to support recreation programs.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 62) To see if the Town will allocate the State Snowmobile Registration reimbursements for use in maintaining the Town’s Snowmobile Trails.

Selectpersons Recommend: 4 For/ 0 Against

Budget Committee Recommends: 7 For/ 0 Against

ARTICLE 63) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $15,154 to support the cost of operating the library.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent


ARTICLE 64) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $6,720 as Belgrade’s share of 2002 operating/maintenance costs of the region’s three dams – Belgrade Lakes, Wings Mills, and Salmon Lake. Total projected cost in 2002 equals $12,000 (Rome’s share = $3,240 and Oakland’s share = $2,040).

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 65) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,374 for annual dues associated with membership in the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG).

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 4 For/ 2 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 66) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $6,250 to help support an initiative sponsored by the Belgrade Lakes Conservation Corp to preserve area lakes.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent


ARTICLE 67) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $38,500 to pay interest charges accrued on municipal debt in 2002.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent


ARTICLE 68) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate $10,000 to pay Workers and Unemployment Compensation premiums for all municipal employees.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent


ARTICLE 69) To see if the Town will authorize the use of $26,875 from the accumulated interest in the Don C. Stevens Fund for the benefit of students who attend Belgrade Central School during 2002.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 70) To see if the Town will designate the accumulated interest (estimate-$85) of the Don C. Stevens Scholarship Fund as of May 31, 2002, as an award to the highest ranking Belgrade student of Messalonskee High School Class of 2002.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 71) To see if the Town will raise and appropriate an amount up to $450.00 to supplement the Don C. Stevens Scholarship to equal $500.00.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

Budget Committee Recommends: 6 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

ARTICLE 72) To see if the Town will release $665 in 2001 interest accumulated by the Robert A. Guptill Historical Trust Fund to the principal of the Belgrade Central School. The principal will disburse the money in accordance with terms set forth in the Trust.

Selectpersons Recommend: 3 For/ 0 Against/ 1 Absent

***BOARD OF SELECTPERSONS*** _________________________________________________________________

Dennis A. Purington _________________________________________________________________

Richard J. Carey _________________________________________________________________

Jean Hayes Saucier (Resigned: 11/06/01) _______________________________________________________________

Kate A. Gawler _________________________________________________________________

Roger J. Nadeau

A true copy Attest:______________________________________________

James L. Minot, Constable

CONSTABLE’S RETURN By virtue of the within Warrant to me directed, I have warned and notified the Voters of the Town of Belgrade to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therein named, by posting attested copies of the within Warrant at: Christy’s Country Store, Belgrade Post Office, Belgrade Lakes Post Office, Day’s Store, Double D’s, and the Town Office, the same being public and conspicuous places within the said Town of Belgrade on the _______ day of February, 2002.

_____________________________ James L. Minot, Constable

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